kkt-ee / Demo-Django-Project

Source: Telusko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTmQOjsl0eg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Setting up environment

install python3

create a virtual environment (venv) and install django inside it

$ pip install django
$ django-admin --version

start making django projects

$ mkdir djangoProjects & cd djangoProjects          # djangoProjects

$ django-admin startproject myFirstDjangoProject     
$ cd myFirstDjangoProject                           # djangoProjects/myFisrtDjangoProject (. or BASE_DIR) 

$ python manage.py runserver                        # starts a server in local machine
open wenbrowser and check url

APP in django

$ python manage.py startapp calc                    # app name = calc
$ cd calc                                           # ./calc
create a file 'urls.py' here (write some code)      # ./calc/urls.py
views.py (write some code)                          # ./calc/views.py
Add a entry of 'calc urls' to './myFirstDjangoProject/urls.py' (THE MAIN urls.py file of myFirstDjangoProject)

use concepts of DTL (Django Template Language) for creating dynamic content

move to BASE_DIR (.)
$ mkdir templates & cd templates        # ./templates
make a home.html file                   # ./templates/home.html  
Add entry in ./myFirstDjangoProject/settings.py > 'Templates DIRS' : [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')]
code ./calc/views.py to render the home.html in browser

For dynamic content: {{}} in 'home.html' and necessary code in 'views.py'
eg. <h1> hello {{name}} </h1>                              # in home.html
    return render(request,'home.html',{'name': 'Bhola'}    # in views.py home(request) function


CREATE A ./templates/base.html (a base code common to all pages)
USE jinja code: {% block content %} {% endblock %} in the body of base.html 
USE {% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %} ..some html codes.. {% endblock %} in all the html files
Hello world in django.


Source: Telusko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTmQOjsl0eg


Language:Python 87.9%Language:HTML 12.1%