kksat / nvim-ansible

Small neovim plugin to make working with Ansible playbooks or roles more convenient

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



git clone \
    https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-ansible.git \


Small plugin to make working with Ansible playbooks or roles more convenient:

  • Adds ftdetect pattern to recognize playbooks/roles and set filetype to yaml.ansible.
  • Sets keywordprg to ansible-doc if available
  • Sets path to be able to jump to files using gf which are files/ next to a tasks/ role file.
  • Provides a run() function to execute playbooks or roles using ansible-playbook or ansible localhost -m import_role. See :help ansible

You may want to setup keymaps for the run() function, for example in ftplugin/ansible.lua add:

vim.keymap.set('v', '<leader>te', function() require('ansible').run() end, { buffer = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>te', ":w<CR> :lua require('ansible').run()<CR>", { buffer = true, silent = true })

Best used together with ansible-language-server


Small neovim plugin to make working with Ansible playbooks or roles more convenient


Language:Lua 88.3%Language:Vim Script 11.7%