kkreft / OBJ-MySQL

Simple MySQL Abstraction Layer and mysqli_ result wrapper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OBJ MySQL is a simple MySQL Abstraction Layer for PHP>5.2 that provides a simple and secure interaction with your database using mysqli_* functions at its core.

OBJ-MySQL is perfect for small scale applications such as cron jobs, facebook canvas campaigns or micro frameworks or sites.

This project is under construction, any feedback would be appreciated

Author: Jonathan Tavares

checkout the changelog for info on the lattest changes

##Get OBJ_MySQL You can download it from here, or require it using composer.

    "require": {
		"entomb/obj_mysql": "dev-master"

Or you can require it by cloning this repo

$ git clone https://github.com/entomb/OBJ-MySQL.git

if you are already using GIT on you project you can add it as a submodule

$ git submodule add https://github.com/entomb/OBJ-MySQL.git libs/db

##Starting the driver To start the db driver you must include the main class file and pass the '$config' array described bellow. you can have multiple isntances of the Class each one with its own $config (one for Reads and one for Writes for example).

    //include de main OBJ_mysql class file
    //configuration array 
    $config = array();
    $config["hostname"]  = "YOUR_HOST";
    $config["database"]  = "YOUR_DATABASE_NAME";
    $config["username"]  = "USER_NAME";
    $config["password"]  = "PASSWORD";
    //other configurations
    $config["port"]      = "PORT"; //defaults to 3306
    $config["charset"]    = "CHARSET"; //defaults to UTF-8
    $config["exit_on_error"] = "TRUE|FALSE"; //defaults to true
    //class instantiation
    $db = new OBJ_mysql($config);

##Using OBJ_MySQL

there are numerous ways of using this library, here are some examples of the most common methods

###Selecting and retrieving data from a table

  $Result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users");
  $Users  = $Result->fetchALL();

###Inserting data on a table

to manipulate tables you have the most important methods wrapped, they all work the same way: parsing arrays of key/value pairs and forming a safe query

the methods are:

  $db->insert( String $Table, Array $Data); //generates an INSERT query
  $db->replace(String $Table, Array $Data); //generates an INSERT OR UPDATE query
  $db->update( String $Table, Array $Data, Array $Where); //generates an UPDATE query
  $db->delete( String $Table, Array $Where); //generates a DELETE query

All methods will return the resulting mysqli_insert_id() or true/false depending on context. The correct approach if to allways check if they executed as success is allways returned

  $ok = $db->delete('users', array( 'user_id' => 9 ) );
    echo "user deleted!";
    echo "can't delete user!";

note: all parameter values are sanitized before execution, you dont have to escape values beforehand.

  $new_user_id = $db->insert('users', array(
                                'name'  => "jothn",
                                'email' => "johnsmith@email.com",
                                'group' => 1,
                                'active' => true,
    echo "new user inserted with the id $new_user_id";

###binding parameters on queries

Binding parameters is a good way of preventing mysql insjections as the parameters are sanitized before execution.

  $Result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id_user = ? AND active = ? LIMIT 1",array(11,1));
    $User = $Result->fetchArray();
    echo "user not found";

###Using the OBJ_mysql_result Class

After executing a SELECT query you receive a OBJ_mysql_result object that will help you manipulate the resultant data. there are diferent ways of accesing this data, check the examples bellow:

####Fetching all data

  $Result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users");
  $AllUsers = $Result->fetchAll();

Fetching all data works as Object or Array the fetchAll() method will return the default based on the $_default_result_type config. Other methods are:

$Row = $Result->fetch();        // Fetch a single result row as defined by the config (Array or Object)
$Row = $Result->fetchArray();   // Fetch a single result row as Array
$Row = $Result->fetchObject();  // Fetch a single result row as Object

$Data = $Result->fetchAll();        // Fetch all result data as defined by the config (Array or Object)
$Data = $Result->fetchAllArray();   // Fetch all result data as Array
$Data = $Result->fetchAllObject();  // Fetch all result data as Object

$Data = $Result->fetchColumn(String $Column);           // Fetch a single column in a 1 dimention Array
$Data = $Result->fetchArrayPair(String $key, String $Value);  // Fetch data as a key/value pair Array.


  $db->get()                  // Alias for $db->fetch(); 
  $db->getAll()               // Alias for $db->fetchAll(); 
  $db->getObject()            // Alias for $db->fetchAllObject(); 
  $db->getArray()             // Alias for $db->fetchAllArray(); 
  $db->getColumn($key)        // Alias for $db->fetchColumn($key); 

####Iterations To iterate a resultset you can use any fetch() method listed above

  $Result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users");
  //using while
  while( $row = $Result->fetch() ){
    echo $row->name;
    echo $row->email;
  //using foreach
  foreach( $Result->fetchAll() as $row ){
    echo $row->name;
    echo $row->email;

####Logging and Errors

Showing the query log. the log comes with the SQL executed, the execution time and the result row count (if any)


to debug mysql errors:

use $db->errors() to fetch all errors (returns false if no errors) or $db->lastError() for information on the last error.

  if( $db->errors() ){
      echo $db->lastError();


Simple MySQL Abstraction Layer and mysqli_ result wrapper