kkozmic / ConventionTests

ConventionTests help you go beyond the compiler with conventions!

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What is ConventionTests?

Convention over Configuration is a great way to cut down repetitive boilerplate code. But how do you validate that your code adheres to your conventions? Convention Tests is a code-only NuGet that provides a simple API to build validation rules for convention validation tests.

Using Con­ven­tion­Tests

Con­ven­tion­Tests is a sim­ple code-only Nuget that pro­vides a min­i­mal­is­tic and lim­ited API enforc­ing cer­tain struc­ture when writ­ing con­ven­tion tests and inte­grat­ing with NUnit. Installing it will add two .cs files to the project and a few depen­den­cies (NUnit, Castle Wind­sor and ApprovalTests).

ConventionTests.NUnit file is where all the rel­e­vant code is located and __Run file is the file that runs your tests. The approach is to cre­ate a file per con­ven­tion and name them in a descrip­tive man­ner, so that you can learn what the con­ven­tions you have in the project are by just look­ing at the files in your Con­ven­tions folder, with­out hav­ing to open them.

Each con­ven­tion test inher­its (directly or indi­rectly) from the ICon­ven­tion­Test inter­face. There’s an abstract imple­men­ta­tion of the inter­face, Con­ven­tion­Test­Base and a few spe­cial­ized imple­men­ta­tions for com­mon sce­nar­ios pro­vided out of the box: Type-based one (Con­ven­tion­Test) and two for Wind­sor (Wind­sor­Con­ven­tion­Test, non-generic and generic for diagnostics-based tests).

Type-based con­ven­tion tests

The most com­mon and most generic group of con­ven­tions are ones based around types and type infor­ma­tion. Con­ven­tions like “every controller’s name ends with ‘Con­troller’”, or “Every method on WCF ser­vice con­tracts must have Oper­a­tionCon­trac­tAt­tribute” are exam­ples of such conventions.

You write them by cre­at­ing a class inher­it­ing Con­ven­tion­Test, which forces you to over­ride one method. Here’s a min­i­mal example

public class Controllers_have_Controller_suffix_in_type_name : ConventionTest
    protected override ConventionData SetUp()
        return new ConventionData
                Types = t => t.IsConcrete<IController>(),
                Must = t => t.Name.EndsWith("Controller")

Windsor-based con­ven­tion tests

Another com­mon set of con­ven­tion tests are tests regard­ing an IoC con­tainer. Cas­tle Wind­sor is sup­ported out of the box. The struc­ture of the tests and API is sim­i­lar, with the dif­fer­ence being that instead of types we’re deal­ing with Windsor’s com­po­nent Han­dlers.

public class List_classes_registered_in_Windsor : WindsorConventionTest
    protected override WindsorConventionData SetUp()
        return new WindsorConventionData(new WindsorContainer()
                FailDescription = "All Windsor components",
                FailItemDescription = h => BuildDetailedHandlerDescription(h)+" | "+
            }.WithApprovedExceptions("We just list all of them.");

Cus­tom con­ven­tion tests

Say we wanted to cre­ate a con­ven­tion test that lists all of our NHibernate col­lec­tions where we do cas­cade deletes, so that when we add a new col­lec­tion the test would fail remind­ing us of the issue, and force us to pay atten­tion to how we struc­ture rela­tion­ships in the appli­ca­tion. To do this we could cre­ate a base NHiber­nate­Con­ven­tion­Test and NHi­iber­nate­Con­ven­tion­Data to cre­ate sim­i­lar struc­ture, or just build a sim­ple one-class con­ven­tion like that:

public class List_collection_that_cascade_deletes:ConventionTestBase
    public override void Execute()
        // NH Bootstrapper is our custom class to set up NH
        var bootstrapper = new NHibernateBootstrapper();
        var configuration = bootstrapper.BuildConfiguration();
        var message = new StringBuilder("Collections with cascade delete orphan");
        foreach (var @class in configuration.ClassMappings)
            foreach (var property in @class.PropertyIterator)
                    message.AppendLine(@class.NodeName + "." + property.Name);

Where to find out more

Krzysztof Koźmic spoke about ConventionTests at NDC 2012. You can find the video of that talk here, slides here and the introductory blog post here.


ConventionTests help you go beyond the compiler with conventions!


License:MIT License


Language:C# 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%