kklw / data-modelling-with-postgres

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Data Modeling with Postgres

Project from Udacity's Data Engineer Nano Degree. ETL pipeline to ingest songs and user activity data.


Project is using python 3. Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Postgres database is assumed to connect with these configs:


Run Project

python3 create_tables.py
python3 etl.py

Project Structure

Folder / File Description
data folder Contains songs and user activity data.
sql_queries.py Sql commands.
create_tables.py Creates songplay, app_user, song, artist and time tables.
etl.py Process the files in data folder and stores the data in database.

Implementation Details

First, we create all the database tables. Next, we will perform ETL on the first dataset, data/song_data, to create the song and artist dimensional tables. Also, we will perform ETL on the second dataset, data/log_data, to create the time and app_user dimensional tables, as well as the songplay fact table.

Database Design

The denormalised star schema was choose to enable simplified queries. The fact table is songplay, and the 4 other tables are dimension tables. er

ETL Process

  • Create all tables
  • Read song and data files
  • Song data processing
    • Extract song id, title, etc. Loads as song.
    • Extract artist idm artist name, etc. Loads as artist.
  • Log data processing
    • Extract start time and transform it to fields such as hour and day. Loads as time.
    • Extract user id, first name, etc. Loads as user.
    • Retrieve song id and artist id. Extract user id, level, etc. Loads as songplay.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 82.6%Language:Python 17.4%