kkevinm / snake-cl

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains a C implementation of the classic Snake game, which exploits the ncurses library to build a nice text interface in the Terminal.

How to compile

If you're using a Unix system (MacOS or Linux), just use the Terminal to go in the folder containing the Makefile and type the command


This should compile the C program into an executable called snake in a folder called bin. If there's compilation problems, it's probably due to the file ncurses.h missing: if that's the case, just download it and include it in your build path. If you're using Windows, I already compiled the program and included the executable in the appropriate folder.

How to launch

To launch the program, just go in the folder containing the snake executable and type


to play the game with the default settings. You can change the game mode (hard mode, screen wrap mode and "no generated obstacles" mode) by writing the appropriate flags after the executable name. To know these flags, type

./snake --help

to print the help message. Note that you can write more flags when launching the game, hence you can have more game modes at the same time. Also note that if you're using Windows, the name of the executable is snake.exe and you must have the libncursesw6.dll file in the same folder as the executable (the file is included in the "windows" folder).

How to play

When playing, you can move the snake in the four cardinal directions using the directional arrows or using the WASD buttons. You can quit at any time pressing the q button, and you can pause/unpause the game pressing the spacebar button. At the end of each game (either after losing or quitting) your score is saved in a log file called snake_log.txt (you can freely delete the file).



Language:C 98.9%Language:Makefile 1.1%