kj-grogu / Data_Structures_Algorithms_Java

Data Structure and Algorithms problems that I have solved

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Algorithms Problems Java

# Problem   Problem Link Solution
0 MaxConsecutiveOnes
485 Solution
1 TwoSum
1 Solution
2 ContainerWithMostWater
11 Solution
3 SquaresOfSortedArray
977 Solution
4 ThreeSum
15 Solution
5 PivotIndex
724 Solution
6 Isomorphic
205 Solution
7 IsSubsequence
392 Solution
8 SortedLinkedListMerge
21 Solution
9 ReverseLinkedList
206 Solution
10 BestTimeBuySellStock
121 Solution
11 HappyNumber
202 Solution
12 ValidParentheses
20 Solution
13 MoveZeros
283 Solution
14 ValidAnagram
242 Solution
15 ShortestJobFirst
[OS1] Solution
16 ReverseString
344 Solution
17 ParkingSystem
1603 Solution
18 ReveseStringWords
557 Solution
19 NextGreaterElement
496 Solution
20 MajorityElement
169 Solution
21 RemoveDuplicateSortedArray
26 Solution
22 PathSum
112 Solution
23 LongestCommonPrefix
14 Solution
24 InvertBinaryTree
226 Solution
25 SquareRoot
69 Solution
26 SubTree
572 Solution
27 RemoveDupsLinkedList
83 Solution
28 ListIntersection
160 Solution
29 StackUsingQueue
225 Solution
30 RankTransformArray
1331 Solution
31 MinimumAbsoluteDifference
1200 Solution
32 ProductArrayExceptSelf
238 Solution
33 ContainsDuplicate
217 Solution
34 minimumRotatedSortedArray
153 Solution
35 TwoSumIntegers
371 Solution
36 FibonacciNumber
509 Solution
37 UniquePaths
62 Solution
38 SearchRotatedSortedArray
33 Solution
39 CombinationSum
39 Solution
40 KnapSack
DP-10 Solution
41 SubSetSum
DP-25 Solution
42 EqualSumPartition
416 Solution
43 CountSubsetSum
DP Solution
44 MinimumSubSetSumDiff
2035 Solution
45 CountSubSetGivenDifference
DP Solution
46 TargetSumSignChange
494 Solution
47P NumberOfIslands
200 Solution
48 PalindromeNumber
9 Solution
49 NetworkDelayTime
743 Solution
50 RodCuttingDP
DP Solution
51 CoinChangeMaxWays
DP Solution
52 CoinChangeMinCoins
DP Solution
53 LngstCmnSubSqnce
1143 Solution
54 LongestCommonSubString
DP-29 Solution
55 ShortestCommonSuperSqnc
DP Solution
56 MinNumInsertionDeletion
DP Solution
57 LongestPalindormicSubSeqeence
516 Solution
58 MinNumDelForPalindromeStrng
DP Solution
59 PrintShortestCmnSuperSqnce
1092 Solution
60 LongestRepeatingSubSequence
DP Solution
61 MinInsertToMakeAPalindrome
1312 Solution
62 MatrixChainMultiplicationLogic
DP-8 Solution
63 DigitsAlphaRepJumbled
JPMC1 Solution
64 SelfDescriptiveNumber
JPMC2 Solution
65 CapitalizeTitle
2129 Solution
66 DecodeWays
91 Solution
67 MaximumProductSubarray
152 Solution
68 LinkedListCycle
141 Solution
69 RmvDupsFrmUnsortedLinkedList
1836 Solution
70* RemoveNthNodeFrmEndList
19 Solution
71* ReorderList
143 Solution
72* MergekSortedLists
23 Solution
73 SetMatrixZeroes
73 Solution
74* SpiralMatrix
54 Solution
75 RotateImage
48 Solution
76* ReformatDate
1507 Solution
77 MaxPieceOfCakeAftrHorAndVerCuts
1465 Solution
78 TheKthFactorOfN
1465 Solution
79* StringCompression
443 Solution
80 DegreeOfArray
697 Solution
81 SingleNumber
136 Solution
82 Numberof1Bits
191 Solution
83 CountingBits
338 Solution
84 ReverseBits
190 Solution
85* MissingNumber
268 Solution
86* ReverseInteger
7 Solution
87 Power
50 Solution
88P PacificAtlanticWaterFlow
417 Solution
89 MultiplyStrings
43 Solution
90 PassWord_DP
OA_IBM Solution


Data Structure and Algorithms problems that I have solved


Language:Java 100.0%