kiwilan / php-opds

PHP package to create OPDS feed (Open Publication Distribution System) for eBooks.

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PHP package to create OPDS feed (Open Publication Distribution System) for eBooks.

Version Supported Date Format Query param
1.2 November 11, 2018 XML ?version=1.2
2.0 Draft JSON ?version=2.0

All old versions: 0.9, 1.0 and 1.1 have a fallback to OPDS 1.2.


  • PHP >= 8.1


OPDS is like RSS feeds but adapted for eBooks, it's a standard to share eBooks between libraries, bookstores, publishers, and readers. Developed by Hadrien Gardeur and Leonard Richardson.

This package has been created to be used with bookshelves-project/bookshelves, an open source eBook web app.

The Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) catalog format is a syndication format for electronic publications based on Atom and HTTP. OPDS catalogs enable the aggregation, distribution, discovery, and acquisition of electronic publications. OPDS catalogs use existing or emergent open standards and conventions, with a priority on simplicity.

The Open Publication Distribution System specification is prepared by an informal grouping of partners, combining Internet Archive, O'Reilly Media, Feedbooks, OLPC, and others.

From Wikipedia

Some resources about OPDS and eBooks:


  • ⚛️ Generate OPDS XML and JSON feed (navigation feeds and acquisition feeds)
  • 👌 Support OPDS 1.2 and 2.0
  • 🔖 With pagination option
  • 🔍 Search page included, but NOT search engine
  • 🌐 Option to handle response to browser as XML or JSON


  • OPDS 1.2: support advanced acquisition feeds
  • OPDS 2.0: support Facets, Groups, advanced belongsTo
  • Add OPDS Page Streaming Extension from anansi-project


You can install the package via composer:

composer require kiwilan/php-opds


You have to use Opds::make() method to create an OPDS instance, the only param is config to set OPDS config, totally optional. Default response is XML with OPDS version 1.2, you can force JSON response with OpdsConfig::class method forceJson() to use only OPDS 2.0. With get() method, you can get full instance of Opds with OpdsEngine and OpdsResponse.

use Kiwilan\Opds\Opds;
use Kiwilan\Opds\OpdsConfig;

$opds = Opds::make(new OpdsConfig()) // OpdsConfig::class, optional
  ->title('My feed')
  ->feeds([...]) // OpdsEntryNavigation[]|OpdsEntryBook[]|OpdsEntryNavigation|OpdsEntryBook

You have different informations into Opds::class.

Some informations about OPDS instance:

$opds->getConfig(); // OpdsConfig - Configuration used to create OPDS feed set into `make()` method
$opds->getUrl(); // string|null - Current URL, generated automatically but can be overrided with `url()` method
$opds->getTitle(); // string - Title of OPDS feed set with `title()` method
$opds->getVersion(); // OpdsVersionEnum - OPDS version used, determined by query parameter `version` or `OpdsConfig::class` method `forceJson()`
$opds->getQueryVersion(); // OpdsVersionEnum|null - Name of query parameter used to set OPDS version, default is `version`
$opds->getUrlParts(); // array - URL parts, determined from `url`
$opds->getQuery(); // array - Query parameters, determined from `url`
$opds->getFeeds(); // array - Feeds set with `feeds()` method
$opds->checkIfSearch(); // bool, default is false, set to true if `isSearch()` method is used

And about engine and response:

$opds->getEngine(); // OpdsEngine|null - Engine used to create OPDS feed, determined by OPDS version, can be `OpdsXmlEngine::class` or `OpdsJsonEngine::class`
$opds->getOutput(); // OpdsOutputEnum|null - Output of response, useful for debug
$opds->getPaginator(); // Paginator|null - Paginator used to paginate feeds, determined by `OpdsConfig::class` method `usePagination()` or `useAutoPagination()`
$opds->getResponse(); // OpdsResponse|null - Response of OPDS feed, will use `OpdsEngine` to create a response


You can use query parameter version to set it dynamically. You could change this query into OpdsConfig::class.

  • Version 1.2 can be set with ?version=1.2
  • Version 2.0 can be set with ?version=2.0


If you set version query parameter to 1.2 with OpdsConfig::class method forceJson(), it will be ignored.


Engine will convert your feeds to OPDS, depending of OPDS version.

  • OPDS 1.2 will use OpdsXmlEngine::class
  • OPDS 2.0 will use OpdsJsonEngine::class

You can get engine used with getEngine() method from Opds::class. Property contents contains array of feeds, OpdsEngine allow conversion into XML or JSON with __toString() method, the output depends of OPDS version.

use Kiwilan\Opds\Opds;

$opds = Opds::make()
  ->title('My feed')

$engine = $opds->getEngine(); // OpdsEngine
$contents = $engine->getContents(); // array
$output = $engine->__toString(); // string


You can use get() method and after that, use send() method to send response to browser.

use Kiwilan\Opds\Opds;

$opds = Opds::make()
  ->title('My feed')

$opds->send(); // XML or JSON response, stop script

You can send directly response to browser:


If you send response to browser, you can't use any method after that.

use Kiwilan\Opds\Opds;

  ->title('My feed')
  ->send(); // XML or JSON response, stop script

To get only instance of OpdsResponse, you can use getResponse() method from Opds::class. You can use this response to get status code, headers and contents, you can send it to browser by yourself or use send() method.

use Kiwilan\Opds\Opds;

$opds = Opds::make()
  ->title('My feed')

$response = $opds->getResponse(); // OpdsResponse

$response->getStatus(); // int - Status code of response
$response->isJson(); // bool - If response is JSON
$response->isXml(); // bool - If response is XML
$response->getHeaders(); // array - Headers of response
$response->getContents(); // string - Contents of response

$response->send(); // Send response to browser, stop script


OPDS config can be set with OpdsConfig::class:


use Kiwilan\Opds\OpdsConfig;

$config = new OpdsConfig(
  name: 'My OPDS Catalog', // Name of OPDS feed
  author: 'John Doe', // Author name
  authorUrl: '', // Author URL
  iconUrl: '', // Icon URL
  startUrl: '', // Start URL, will be included in top navigation
  searchUrl: '', // Search URL, will be included in top navigation
  versionQuery: 'version', // query parameter for version
  paginationQuery: 'page', // query parameter for pagination
  updated: new DateTime(), // Last update of OPDS feed
  usePagination: false, // To enable pagination, default is false
  useAutoPagination: false, // To enable auto pagination, default is false, if `usePagination` is true, this option will be ignored
  maxItemsPerPage: 16, // Max items per page, default is 16
  forceJson: false, // To force JSON response as OPDS 2.0, default is false


You can override OpdsConfig with setter methods.


You can use pagination with OpdsConfig::class method usePagination() or useAutoPagination().

  • usePagination() will paginate feeds based on maxItemsPerPage property
  • useAutoPagination() will paginate only OpdsEntryBook feeds if exceed maxItemsPerPage property
    • Useful if you have a lot of navigations feeds, e.g. 1000 authors, you don't want to paginate this feed

OPDS entry


You can create a navigation entry with OpdsEntryNavigation::class:

use Kiwilan\Opds\Entries\OpdsEntryNavigation;

$entry = new OpdsEntryNavigation(
  id: 'authors',
  title: 'Authors',
  route: 'http://localhost:8000/opds/authors',
  summary: 'Authors, 1 available',
  media: '',
  updated: new DateTime(),
  properties: [
    'numberOfItems' => 1,
  ], // to include extra properties (like numberOfItems for facets)
  relation: 'current', // to specify the relation to use (instead of `current`)


You can override OpdsEntryNavigation with setter methods.

And you can add this entry to OPDS feed with feeds() method:

use Kiwilan\Opds\Opds;

$opds = Opds::make()


You can create a book entry with OpdsEntryBook::class:


Some properties can be used only into OPDS 2.0, see OPDS 2.0 specification.

use Kiwilan\Opds\Entries\OpdsEntryBook;
use Kiwilan\Opds\Entries\OpdsEntryBookAuthor;

$entry = new OpdsEntryBook(
  id: 'the-clan-of-the-cave-bear-epub-en',
  title: 'The Clan of the Cave Bear',
  route: 'http://localhost:8000/opds/books/the-clan-of-the-cave-bear-epub-en',
  summary: 'The Clan of the Cave Bear is an epic work of prehistoric fiction by Jean M. Auel.',
  content: 'The Clan of the Cave Bear is an epic work of prehistoric fiction by Jean M. Auel about prehistoric times. It is the first book in the Earth\'s Children book series which speculates on the possibilities of interactions between Neanderthal and modern Cro-Magnon humans.',
  media: '',
  updated: new DateTime(),
  download: 'http://localhost:8000/api/download/books/the-clan-of-the-cave-bear-epub-en',
  mediaThumbnail: '',
  categories: ['category'],
  authors: [
    new OpdsEntryBookAuthor(
      name: 'Jean M. Auel',
      uri: 'http://localhost:8000/opds/authors/jean-m-auel',
  published: new DateTime(),
  volume: 1,
  serie: 'Earth\'s Children',
  language: 'English',
  isbn: '9780553381672', // deprecated, use `identifier` instead
  identifier: 'urn:isbn:9780553381672', // to specify the actual identifier to use (instead of `urn:isbn:...`)
  translator: 'translator',
  publisher: 'publisher',


You can override OpdsEntryBook with setter methods.

And you can add this entry to OPDS feed with feeds() method:

$opds = Opds::make()


This package do NOT implements any search engine, you can use your own search engine and use Opds::class to create OPDS feed.

Query parameters used for search are statically defined into specifications:

  • q param is used by OPDS 1.2
  • query param is used by OPDS 2.0


I advice Meilisearch for search engine, it's a powerful and easy to use search engine.

Here an example:

use Kiwilan\Opds\Opds;
use Kiwilan\Opds\Entries\OpdsEntryBook;

$query = // get query from URL, `q` or `query` param
$feeds = [];

if ($query) {
    $results = // use your search engine here

    foreach ($results as $result) {
      $feeds[] = new OpdsEntryBook();

$opds = Opds::make()
  ->title("Search for {$query}")

More usages


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Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


PHP package to create OPDS feed (Open Publication Distribution System) for eBooks.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%