kivanio / kivanio

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Hi there 👋

I'm an Entrepreneur / Software / SRE Engineer with a background in SaaS, Cloud and Startups.

I am passionate about entrepreneurship in tech, remote work and traveling!

I am skilled at team collaboration and organization while working independently in remote environments on challenging problems.

Technologies include:

Languages | Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL

Frameworks & Libraries | Ruby on Rails, React, jQuery, Bootstrap, Stimulus, Hotwire, RabbitMQ, Redis, Memcached

Database Tools | PostgreSQL, Mysql

Cloud | AWS, Rackspace, Digital Ocean, Heroku

GIT, SVN, Linux, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, On-premise servers

Docker, IAC(Terraform, Ansible), Kubernetes learner

Web3: Solidity learner

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What I know and love:

Ruby Rails

GitHub Stats :

GitHub Trophies
