kisoqual / crossfadelimiter

Plugin preset for FL Studio Patcher

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Crossfade Limiter

this preset plugin makes slient sounds in both levels with loud sounds when both are crossfading

it uses Proxima Dispresser by default as example but you can put whatever you want


unpack the archive whatever you want, then place the preset (Crossfade Limiter.fst) in C:\Users\[UR NAME]\Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Presets\Plugin presets\Effects\Patcher then create a separate folder in C:\Users\[UR NAME]\Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Presets\Plugin presets\Effects\Fruity HTML NoteBook and place other files in this folder

more improvments will be still updating

гречка 2022
