kis87988 / FHDA-wechat-bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FHDA Wechat Bot

Powered by Wechaty code style: prettier


  • OS package

    Current support Ubuntu, MacOS

    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install build-essential && sudo snap install shellcheck
    • MacOS: xcode-select --install
  • Python

    • Python environment point to python 2.7
      i.e., when you type python in terminal, the version is 2.7
  • Node

    • Node 10 or above


$ git
$ cd wechat-bot
$ npm install


$ npm start


You may need to ask for .env file that we use. Please contact William Chen( We recommended use VScode for development


We use package Wechaty

Git push, Commit

We have pre-push, pre-commit, and commit-msg hook powered by husky and lint-staged

If you want to skip these please pass git --no-verify flag into.

git push will automatically update the package version under packages.json

Commit message

We use conventional commit message to make our contributor easy understand code changes

information: Commitlint, Conventional commits

The commit message format:

{type}(scope?): {subject}


Commit message type

refer to .commitlintrc.yml

chore:    Change build process, tooling or dependencies.
ci:       Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
          (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
feat:     Adds a new feature.
add:      Adds a new function, class.
fix:      Solves a bug.
docs:     Adds or alters documentation.
style:    Improves formatting, white-space.
refactor: Rewrites code without feature, performance or bug changes.
perf:     Improves performance.
test:     Adds or modifies tests.
revert:   Changes that reverting other changes.
remove:   Remove package, code unused or no longer need.
del:      Delete package, code unused or no longer need (same with remove).



Language:TypeScript 86.3%Language:Shell 13.7%