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infer_from_cds in UTRFetcher does not work correctly

Hoeze opened this issue · comments

Currently, UTR region inference works only for non-spliced UTR regions:

# get start and end of cds for each transcript
cds = CDSFetcher.get_cds_from_gtf(df=df, on_error_warn=on_error_warn) \
.groupby('transcript_id') \
.agg({'Start': min, 'End': max})
# join cds start and end to utr df
utr_df = df.query("Feature == 'transcript'") \
.set_index('transcript_id') \
.join(cds, rsuffix="_cds") \
.dropna(subset=['Start_cds', 'End_cds'], axis=0)
if feature_type.upper() == "5UTR":
utr_df['Start'] = np.where(utr_df['Strand'] == '+', int(utr_df['Start']), int(utr_df['End_cds']))
utr_df['End'] = np.where(utr_df['Strand'] == '+', int(utr_df['Start_cds']), int(utr_df['End']))
utr_df['Feature'] = pd.Categorical("5UTR", categories = utr_df['Feature'])
if feature_type.upper() == "3UTR":
utr_df['Start'] = np.where(utr_df['Strand'] == '+', int(utr_df['End_cds']), int(utr_df['Start']))
utr_df['End'] = np.where(utr_df['Strand'] == '+', int(utr_df['End']), int(utr_df['Start_cds']))
utr_df['Feature'] = pd.Categorical("3UTR", categories = utr_df['Feature'])
utr_df.drop(['Start_cds', 'End_cds'], axis=1, inplace=True)


  1. Generate test data with transcript that contains a spliced UTR, e.g.:
    tabix /s/genomes/GenBank/hg38/annotation/hg38.ensGene.gtf.gz chr22 | grep -i ENST00000263207 > kipoiseq/tests/data/chr22_ENST00000263207.gtf
  2. Simulate some variants:
  • chr22_ENST00000263207_3UTR.vcf.gz
  • chr22_ENST00000263207_5UTR.vcf.gz
  1. Generate with infer_from_cds=False:
  • chr22_ENST00000263207_3UTR.alt_seqs.txt
  • chr22_ENST00000263207_3UTR.ref_seq.txt
  • chr22_ENST00000263207_5UTR.alt_seqs.txt
  • chr22_ENST00000263207_5UTR.ref_seq.txt
  1. Update tests:
    # chr22_fasta_file = 'tests/data/chr22.fa.gz'
    chr22_gtf_file = 'tests/data/chr22_ENST00000319363.gtf'
    # chr22_5UTR_vcf_file = 'tests/data/chr22_ENST00000319363_5UTR.vcf.gz'
    def test_5UTRFetcher__read_utr():
    utr5 = UTRFetcher._read_utr(chr22_gtf_file, feature_type="5UTR")
    assert utr5.shape == (1, 12)
    assert utr5.iloc[0].Chromosome == 'chr22'
    assert utr5.iloc[0].Start == 17565848
    assert utr5.iloc[0].End == 17565981
    assert utr5.iloc[0].Strand == "+"
    utr5_from_cds = UTRFetcher._read_utr(chr22_gtf_file, feature_type="5UTR", infer_from_cds=True)
    pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(left = utr5.drop(['exon_number', 'exon_id'], axis=1), right = utr5_from_cds.drop(['exon_number', 'exon_id'], axis=1), check_dtype=False)
    def test_3UTRFetcher__read_utr():
    utr3 = UTRFetcher._read_utr(chr22_gtf_file, feature_type="3UTR")
    assert utr3.shape == (1, 12)
    assert utr3.iloc[0].Chromosome == 'chr22'
    assert utr3.iloc[0].Start == 17590710
    assert utr3.iloc[0].End == 17596583
    assert utr3.iloc[0].Strand == "+"
    utr3_from_cds = UTRFetcher._read_utr(chr22_gtf_file, feature_type="3UTR", infer_from_cds=True)
    pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(left=utr3.drop(['exon_number', 'exon_id'], axis=1),
    right=utr3_from_cds.drop(['exon_number', 'exon_id'], axis=1), check_dtype=False)

The correct solution would be to pyranges.intersect() the exons with transcript_start - CDS_start for 5'UTR and CDS_end - transcript_end for 3'UTR.
Also, make sure that the last / first exon of the UTRs is shrinked to CDS_start / CDS_end.