The gcloud suite has an emulator for Google PubSub, which is great for testing locally how to run code against their APIs.
However, it is not very useful if you want to run in a containerized environment, and want to test how the whole thing behaves. Hence this container.
The emulator will try to update automatically every time container start.
$ docker pull kinok/google-pubsub-emulator:latest
$ docker run -it --name pubsub-emulator -p 8042:8042 kinok/google-pubsub-emulator:latest
Now you need to run the equivalent of the $(gcloud beta emulators pubsub env-init)
$ export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8042
Now you can use the standard APIs such as gcloud-python to interact with it.
You can bind a volume to /data in the container to get resilient data.
$ docker run -it --name pubsub-emulator -p 8042:8042 -v /path/to/my/data/folder:/data kinok/google-pubsub-emulator:latest
You can also change the port where the emulator runs by editing the HOST_PORT environment variable.
The emulator logs in container stout.