kingingcole / truffle-nextjs-recoil

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Truffle Next Recoil Box

This Truffle box provides a quick setup for a minimal Next.js project configured with Truffle and utilizing the lightweight state management tool called Recoil.


To get started, make sure you have Truffle installed globally. You can then run the following commands to unbox and set up the project:

Install Truffle Globally and Run truffle unbox

npm install -g truffle
truffle unbox truffle-next-recoil

Alternatively, you can use npx to unbox the project:

npx truffle unbox truffle-next-recoil

After unboxing the project and installing the necessary packages, follow the instructions below to set up your development environment.

Getting Started

  1. Start a local Ganache server either by opening the Ganache desktop application or running ganache in the terminal.
  2. Navigate to the client directory in the project.
  3. Run the following command to start the local NextJS development server:
    cd client
    npm run dev
  4. Open up the local server at localhost:3000 and follow the on-screen instructions.


  • Does the project run on Ganache?
    Yes, the project runs on Ganache and is configured to use localhost:8545 as the default network. You can modify network properties by editing the truffle-config.js file. For more details, refer to the Truffle Configuration Documentation.

  • How do I learn more?
    This project is built using Next.js for the frontend, Truffle for the blockchain integration, and Recoil for state management. Feel free to explore their respective documentation to learn more about each technology.



Language:JavaScript 35.7%Language:CSS 35.2%Language:TypeScript 26.8%Language:Solidity 2.3%