kingbbode / moditect

Tooling for the Java 9 Module System

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ModiTect - Tooling for the Java 9 Module System

Version 1.0.0.Alpha1 - 2017-08-28

The ModiTect project aims at providing productivity tools for working with the Java 9 module system ("Jigsaw").

Currently the following tasks are supported:

  • Generating descriptors for given artifacts (Maven dependencies or local JAR files)
  • Adding module descriptors to existing JAR files
  • Creating module runtime images

In future versions functionality may be added to work with other tools like jmod etc. under Maven and other dependency management tools in a comfortable manner.


ModiTect's functionality is currently exclusively exposed through a Maven plug-in. The core implementation is a separate module, though, so that plug-ins for other build systems such as Gradle could be written, too.

Generating descriptors

To create a descriptor for a given artifact, configure the generate-module-info goal as follows:

                                static com.some.optional.dependency;

This will generate a module descriptor at target/generated-sources/com.example.core/

For each module to be processed, the following configuration options exist:

  • artifact: The GAV coordinates of the artifact for which a descriptor should be generated (required)
  • additionalDependencies: Additional artifacts to be processed; useful if the main artifact depends on code from another artifact but doesn't declare a dependency to that one (optional)
  • moduleInfo: Allows fine-grained configuration of the generated module descriptor (optional); has the following sub-elements:
    • name: Name to be used within the descriptor; if not given the name will be derived from the JAR name as per the naming rules for automatic modules (optional)
    • exports: List of name patterns for describing the exported packages of the module, separated by ";". Patterns can be inclusive or exclusive (starting with "!") and may contain the "*" as a wildcard. Inclusive patterns may be qualified exports ("to xyz"). For each package from the module, the given patterns are processed in the order they are given. As soon a package is matched by an inclusive pattern, the package will be added to the list of exported packages and no further patterns will be applied. As soon as a package is matched by an exclusive pattern, this package will not be added to the list of exported packages and no further patterns will be applied. (optional; the default value is "*;", i.e. all packages will be exported)
    • opens: List of name patterns for describing the open packages of the module, separated by ";". Patterns can be inclusive or exclusive (starting with "!") and may contain the "*" as a wildcard. Inclusive patterns may be qualified exports ("to xyz"). For each package from the module, the given patterns are processed in the order they are given. As soon a package is matched by an inclusive pattern, the package will be added to the list of open packages and no further patterns will be applied. As soon as a package is matched by an exclusive pattern, this package will not be added to the list of open packages and no further patterns will be applied. (optional; the default value is "!*;", i.e. no packages will be opened)
    • requires: List of name patterns for describing the dependences of the module, based on the automatically determined dependences. Patterns are inclusive and may contain the "*" character as a wildcard. Patterns may contain the static and transitive modifiers, in which case those modifiers will override the modifiers of the automatically determined dependence. For each of the automatically determined dependences of the module, the given patterns are processed in the order they are given. As soon a dependence is matched by a pattern, the dependence will be added to the list of dependences and no further patterns will be applied. Usually, only a few dependences will be given explicitly in order to override their modifiers, followed by a *; pattern to add all remaining automatically determined dependences.
    • addServiceUses: If true, the given artifact will be scanned for usages of ServiceLoader#load() and if usages passing a class literal are found (load( MyService.class )), an equivalent uses() clause will be added to the generated descriptor; usages of load() where a non-literal class object is passed, are ignored (optional, defaults to false)
    • uses: List of names of used services, separated by ";" only required if addServiceUses cannot be used due to dynamic invocations of ServiceLoader#load(), i.e. no class literal is passed (optional)

It is also possible to run this goal directly, specifying the different options as JVM parameters like this:

mvn moditect:generate-module-info \
    -Dmoditect.artifact=com.example:example-core:1.0.0.Final \
    -Dmoditect.moduleName=com.example.core \
    -Dmoditect.additionalDependencies=com.example:example-extended:1.0.0.Final \ -Dmoditect.exportExcludes=com\.example\.core\.internal\..* \

Adding module descriptors to existing JAR files

To add a module descriptor for a given artifact, configure the add-module-info goal as follows:

                            module com.example.core {
                                requires java.logging;
                                exports com.example.api;
                                provides com.example.api.SomeService
                                    with com.example.internal.SomeServiceImpl;

For each module to be processed, the following configuration options exist:

  • artifact: The GAV coordinates of the artifact for which a descriptor should be generated (either this or file must be given)
  • file: Path to the file for which a descriptor should be generated (either this or artifact must be given)
  • moduleInfoSource: Inline representation of a descriptor (optional; either this or moduleInfoFile or moduleInfo must be given)
  • moduleInfoFile: Path to a descriptor (optional; either this or moduleInfoSource or moduleInfo must be given)
  • moduleInfo: A moduleInfo configuration as used with the generate-module-info goal (optional; either this or moduleInfoSource or moduleInfoFile must be given)
  • mainClass: The fully-qualified name of the main class to be added to the module descriptor (optional)
  • version: The version to be added to the module descriptor; if not given and artifact is given, the artifact's version will be used; otherwise no version will be added (optional)

To add a module descriptor for the artifact built by the current project itself, configure the plug-in like so:


Note that as input and output file are the same in this case, overwriteExistingFiles must be set to true.

Creating modular runtime images

To create a modular runtime image (see JEP 220), configure the create-runtime-image goal as follows:


The following configuration options exist:

  • modulePath: One or more directories with modules to be considered for creating the image (required); the jmods directory of the current JVM will be added implicitly, so it doesn't have to be given here
  • modules: The module(s) to be used as the root for resolving the modules to be added to the image (required)
  • outputDirectory: Directory in which the runtime image should be created (required)
  • launcher: file name and main module for creating a launcher file (optional)
  • stripDebug whether to strip debug symbols or not (optional, defaults to false)

Once the image has been created, it can be executed by running:

./<outputDirectory>/bin/java --module com.example

Or, if a launcher has been configured:



The POM file in integrationtest/undertow shows a more complete example. It adds module descriptors for Undertow Core and its dependencies, i.e. it allows to run the Undertow web server based on Java 9 modules.


cd integrationtest/undertow
mvn clean install

to build the example. You then can start Undertow by executing

java --module-path target/modules --module com.example

Alternatively, you can run the modular runtime image created by the example:


Then visit http://localhost:8080/?name=YourName in your browser for the canonical "Hello World" example.


ModiTect is at a very early stage of development and it still has some rough edges. Use it at your own risk.

Further Planned Features

Adding module descriptors to existing JARs is the first functionality implemented in ModiTect. Potential future developments include:

  • Update existing module descriptors (e.g. to remove/replace a requires clause)
  • Better support for generating and adding a module descriptor to the JAR produced by a build itself (i.e. not a JAR it depends on)
  • Install/Deploy updated (modularized) JARs with a new name/classifier etc.
  • Adding transitive modifier to dependences based on whether their types are exposed in a module's exported API or not
  • YOUR ideas :)

Related Work

ModuleTools by Remi Forax shows how to assemble module descriptors using ASM.


ModiTect is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. ASM (which is contained within the ModiTect JAR in the org/moditect/internal/shaded/asm/ package) is licensed under the 3 clause BSD license (see etc/LICENSE_ASM.txt).


Tooling for the Java 9 Module System



Language:Java 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%