kimyinn / Bosch-Hackathon

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Bosch Hackathon 2016 at DePaul University

Project Title: Empathetic Dining, an IoT Dining Experience

This project was designed to compete for Bosch Hackathon 2016 hosted at DePaul University in September 2016, and it was awarded the first prize among five teams who participated in this hacakthon.

Project Description

Have you ever been to a restaurant where the food is amamzing but the dining environment is terrible? Uncomfortable dining environment can definitely affect dining experiences, including the taste of food, which might cause customers to not return. We proposed the solution to prevent this type of problem by using Bosch XDK sensors and cameras.

Our project, Empathetic Dining, provides analytics insights from restaurant data, including environmental, customers' facial expressions, weather and cash register transactional data. With these data, we are able to provide three tiers of services, 1) Copper level, which provides only descriptive analytical dashboard; 2) Silver level, which provides predictive insights as an extra component; 3) Gold level, which provides fully automated environmental control system.

For more information, please see our presentation (in pdf format) and our prototype.

Team Members
