kimsumin75 / heroku-pg-extras

A heroku plugin for awesome pg:* commands that are also great and fun and super.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A heroku plugin for awesome pg:* commands that are also great and fun and super.


$ heroku plugins:install heroku-pg-extras


$ heroku pg:cache-hit
      name      |         ratio
 index hit rate | 0.99957765013541945832
 table hit rate |                   1.00
(2 rows)
$ heroku pg:index-usage
       relname       | percent_of_times_index_used | rows_in_table
 events              |                          65 |       1217347
 app_infos           |                          74 |        314057
 app_infos_user_info |                           0 |        198848
 user_info           |                           5 |         94545
 delayed_jobs        |                          27 |             0
(5 rows)
$ heroku pg:ps
 procpid |                 source                   |   running_for   | waiting |         query
   31776 | psql                                     | 00:19:08.017088 | f       | <IDLE> in transaction
   31912 | psql                                     | 00:18:56.12178  | t       | select * from hello;
   32670 | Heroku Postgres Data Clip daaiifuuraiyks | 00:00:25.625609 | f       | BEGIN READ ONLY; select pg_sleep(60)
(2 rows)
$ heroku pg:locks
 procpid | relname | transactionid | granted |     query_snippet     |       age
   31776 |         |               | t       | <IDLE> in transaction | 00:19:29.837898
   31776 |         |          1294 | t       | <IDLE> in transaction | 00:19:29.837898
   31912 |         |               | t       | select * from hello;  | 00:19:17.94259
    3443 |         |               | t       |                      +| 00:00:00
         |         |               |         |    select            +|
         |         |               |         |      pg_stat_activi   |
(4 rows)
$ heroku pg:outliers
                   qry                   |    exec_time     | prop_exec_time |   ncalls    | sync_io_time
 SELECT * FROM archivable_usage_events.. | 154:39:26.431466 | 72.2%          | 34,211,877  | 00:00:00
 COPY public.archivable_usage_events (.. | 50:38:33.198418  | 23.6%          | 13          | 13:34:21.00108
 COPY public.usage_events (id, reporte.. | 02:32:16.335233  | 1.2%           | 13          | 00:34:19.784318
 INSERT INTO usage_events (id, retaine.. | 01:42:59.436532  | 0.8%           | 12,328,187  | 00:00:00
 SELECT * FROM usage_events WHERE (alp.. | 01:18:10.754354  | 0.6%           | 102,114,301 | 00:00:00
 UPDATE usage_events SET reporter_id =.. | 00:52:35.683254  | 0.4%           | 23,786,348  | 00:00:00
 INSERT INTO usage_events (id, retaine.. | 00:49:24.952561  | 0.4%           | 21,988,201  | 00:00:00
 COPY public.app_ownership_events (id,.. | 00:37:14.31082   | 0.3%           | 13          | 00:12:32.584754
 INSERT INTO app_ownership_events (id,.. | 00:26:59.808212  | 0.2%           | 383,109     | 00:00:00
 SELECT * FROM app_ownership_events   .. | 00:19:06.021846  | 0.1%           | 744,879     | 00:00:00
(10 rows)
$ heroku pg:calls
                   qry                   |    exec_time     | prop_exec_time |   ncalls    | sync_io_time
 SELECT * FROM usage_events WHERE (alp.. | 01:18:11.073333  | 0.6%           | 102,120,780 | 00:00:00
 BEGIN                                   | 00:00:51.285988  | 0.0%           | 47,288,662  | 00:00:00
 COMMIT                                  | 00:00:52.31724   | 0.0%           | 47,288,615  | 00:00:00
 SELECT * FROM  archivable_usage_event.. | 154:39:26.431466 | 72.2%          | 34,211,877  | 00:00:00
 UPDATE usage_events SET reporter_id =.. | 00:52:35.986167  | 0.4%           | 23,788,388  | 00:00:00
 INSERT INTO usage_events (id, retaine.. | 00:49:25.260245  | 0.4%           | 21,990,326  | 00:00:00
 INSERT INTO usage_events (id, retaine.. | 01:42:59.436532  | 0.8%           | 12,328,187  | 00:00:00
 SELECT * FROM app_ownership_events   .. | 00:19:06.289521  | 0.1%           | 744,976     | 00:00:00
 INSERT INTO app_ownership_events(id, .. | 00:26:59.885631  | 0.2%           | 383,153     | 00:00:00
 UPDATE app_ownership_events SET app_i.. | 00:01:22.282337  | 0.0%           | 359,741     | 00:00:00
(10 rows)
$ heroku pg:blocking
 blocked_pid |    blocking_statement    | blocking_duration | blocking_pid |                                        blocked_statement                           | blocked_duration
         461 | select count(*) from app | 00:00:03.838314   |        15682 | UPDATE "app" SET "updated_at" = '2013-03-04 15:07:04.746688' WHERE "id" = 12823149 | 00:00:03.821826
(1 row)
$ heroku pg:pull DATABASE localdbname --app myapp
$ heroku pg:push localdbname DATABASE --app myapp
$ heroku pg:total-index-size
 28194 MB
(1 row)
$ heroku pg:index-size
                             name                              |  size
 idx_activity_attemptable_and_type_lesson_enrollment           | 5196 MB
 index_enrollment_attemptables_by_attempt_and_last_in_group    | 4045 MB
 index_attempts_on_student_id                                  | 2611 MB
 enrollment_activity_attemptables_pkey                         | 2513 MB
 index_attempts_on_student_id_final_attemptable_type           | 2466 MB
 attempts_pkey                                                 | 2466 MB
 index_attempts_on_response_id                                 | 2404 MB
 index_attempts_on_enrollment_id                               | 1957 MB
 index_enrollment_attemptables_by_enrollment_activity_id       | 1789 MB
 enrollment_activities_pkey                                    |  458 MB
 index_enrollment_activities_by_lesson_enrollment_and_activity |  402 MB
 index_placement_attempts_on_response_id                       |  109 MB
 index_placement_attempts_on_placement_test_id                 |  108 MB
 index_placement_attempts_on_grade_level_id                    |   97 MB
 index_lesson_enrollments_on_lesson_id                         |   93 MB
(truncated results for brevity)
$ heroku pg:table-size
                             name                              |  size
 learning_coaches                                              |  196 MB
 states                                                        |  145 MB
 grade_levels                                                  |  111 MB
 charities_customers                                           |   73 MB
 charities                                                     |   66 MB
(truncated results for brevity)
$ heroku pg:table-indexes-size
                             table                             | indexes_size
 learning_coaches                                              |    153 MB
 states                                                        |    125 MB
 charities_customers                                           |     93 MB
 charities                                                     |     16 MB
 grade_levels                                                  |     11 MB
(truncated results for brevity)
$ heroku pg:total-table-size
                             name                              |  size
 learning_coaches                                              |  349 MB
 states                                                        |  270 MB
 charities_customers                                           |  166 MB
 grade_levels                                                  |  122 MB
 charities                                                     |   82 MB
(truncated results for brevity)
$ heroku pg:unused-indexes
          table      |                       index                | index_size | index_scans
 public.grade_levels | index_placement_attempts_on_grade_level_id | 97 MB      |           0
 public.observations | observations_attrs_grade_resources         | 33 MB      |           0
 public.messages     | user_resource_id_idx                       | 12 MB      |           0
(3 rows)
$ heroku pg:seq-scans

               name                |  count
 learning_coaches                  | 44820063
 states                            | 36794975
 grade_levels                      | 13972293
 charities_customers               |  8615277
 charities                         |  4316276
 messages                          |  3922247
 contests_customers                |  2915972
 classroom_goals                   |  2142014
 contests                          |  1370267
 goals                             |  1112659
 districts                         |   158995
 rollup_reports                    |   115942
 customers                         |    93847
 schools                           |    92984
 classrooms                        |    92982
 customer_settings                 |    91226
(truncated results for brevity)
$ heroku pg:long-running-queries

  pid  |    duration     |                                      query
 19578 | 02:29:11.200129 | EXPLAIN SELECT  "students".* FROM "students"  WHERE "students"."id" = 1450645 LIMIT 1
 19465 | 02:26:05.542653 | EXPLAIN SELECT  "students".* FROM "students"  WHERE "students"."id" = 1889881 LIMIT 1
 19632 | 02:24:46.962818 | EXPLAIN SELECT  "students".* FROM "students"  WHERE "students"."id" = 1581884 LIMIT 1
(truncated results for brevity)
$ heroku pg:records_rank
               name                | estimated_count
 tastypie_apiaccess                |          568891
 notifications_event               |          381227
 core_todo                         |          178614
 core_comment                      |          123969
 notifications_notification        |          102101
 django_session                    |           68078
 (truncated results for brevity)
$ heroku pg:bloat

 type  | schemaname |           object_name         | bloat |   waste
 table | public     | bloated_table                 |   1.1 | 98 MB
 table | public     | other_bloated_table           |   1.1 | 58 MB
 index | public     | bloated_table::bloated_index  |   3.7 | 34 MB
 table | public     | clean_table                   |   0.2 | 3808 kB
 table | public     | other_clean_table             |   0.3 | 1576 kB
$ heroku pg:vacuum-stats
 schema |         table         | last_vacuum | last_autovacuum  |    rowcount    | dead_rowcount  | autovacuum_threshold | expect_autovacuum
 public | log_table             |             | 2013-04-26 17:37 |         18,030 |              0 |          3,656       |
 public | data_table            |             | 2013-04-26 13:09 |             79 |             28 |             66       |
 public | other_table           |             | 2013-04-26 11:41 |             41 |             47 |             58       |
 public | queue_table           |             | 2013-04-26 17:39 |             12 |          8,228 |             52       | yes
 public | picnic_table          |             |                  |             13 |              0 |             53       |
$ heroku pg:user-connections
Credential      Connections
──────────────  ───────────
ua7almfsv0d8tq  24
$ heroku pg:mandelbrot


To publish new versions, see the data plugin documentation.


Thanks for trying it out. If you find any issues, please notify us at


A heroku plugin for awesome pg:* commands that are also great and fun and super.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%