kimrutherford / rust-postgres

Native PostgreSQL driver for the Rust programming language

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A native PostgreSQL driver for Rust.


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postgres = "0.14"


Rust-Postgres is a pure-Rust frontend for the popular PostgreSQL database.

extern crate postgres;

use postgres::{Connection, TlsMode};

struct Person {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    data: Option<Vec<u8>>,

fn main() {
    let conn = Connection::connect("postgres://postgres@localhost", TlsMode::None).unwrap();
    conn.execute("CREATE TABLE person (
                    id              SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
                    name            VARCHAR NOT NULL,
                    data            BYTEA
                  )", &[]).unwrap();
    let me = Person {
        id: 0,
        name: "Steven".to_string(),
        data: None,
    conn.execute("INSERT INTO person (name, data) VALUES ($1, $2)",
                 &[&, &]).unwrap();
    for row in &conn.query("SELECT id, name, data FROM person", &[]).unwrap() {
        let person = Person {
            id: row.get(0),
            name: row.get(1),
            data: row.get(2),
        println!("Found person {}",;


  • Rust - Rust-Postgres is developed against the 1.10 release of Rust available on It should also compile against more recent releases.

  • PostgreSQL 7.4 or later - Rust-Postgres speaks version 3 of the PostgreSQL protocol, which corresponds to versions 7.4 and later. If your version of Postgres was compiled in the last decade, you should be okay.



Connect to a Postgres server using the standard URI format:

let conn = Connection::connect("postgres://user:pass@host:port/database?arg1=val1&arg2=val2",

pass may be omitted if not needed. port defaults to 5432 and database defaults to the value of user if not specified. The driver supports trust, password, and md5 authentication.

Unix domain sockets can be used as well. The host portion of the URI should be set to the absolute path to the directory containing the socket file. Since / is a reserved character in URLs, the path should be URL encoded. If Postgres stored its socket files in /run/postgres, the connection would then look like:

let conn = Connection::connect("postgres://postgres@%2Frun%2Fpostgres", TlsMode::None)?;

Paths which contain non-UTF8 characters can be handled in a different manner; see the documentation for details.


SQL statements can be executed with the query and execute methods. Both methods take a query string as well as a slice of parameters to bind to the query. The ith query parameter is specified in the query string by $i. Note that query parameters are 1-indexed rather than the more common 0-indexing.

execute returns the number of rows affected by the query (or 0 if not applicable):

let updates = conn.execute("UPDATE foo SET bar = $1 WHERE baz = $2", &[&1i32, &"biz"])?;
println!("{} rows were updated", updates);

query returns an iterable object holding the rows returned from the database. The fields in a row can be accessed either by their indices or their column names, though access by index is more efficient. Unlike statement parameters, result columns are zero-indexed.

for row in &conn.query("SELECT bar, baz FROM foo WHERE buz = $1", &[&1i32])? {
    let bar: i32 = row.get(0);
    let baz: String = row.get("baz");
    println!("bar: {}, baz: {}", bar, baz);

Statement Preparation

If the same statement will be executed repeatedly (possibly with different parameters), explicitly preparing it can improve performance:

let stmt = conn.prepare("UPDATE foo SET bar = $1 WHERE baz = $2")?;
for (bar, baz) in updates {
    stmt.execute(&[bar, baz])?;


The transaction method will start a new transaction. It returns a Transaction object which has the functionality of a Connection as well as methods to control the result of the transaction:

let trans = conn.transaction()?;

let stmt = trans.prepare(...)?;
// ...


The transaction will be active until the Transaction object falls out of scope. A transaction will roll back by default. Nested transactions are supported via savepoints.

Type Correspondence

Rust-Postgres enforces a strict correspondence between Rust types and Postgres types. The driver currently supports the following conversions:

Rust Type Postgres Type
bool BOOL
i8 "char"
u32 OID
f32 REAL
[u8]/Vec<u8> BYTEA
serialize::json::Json and serde_json::Value (optional) JSON, JSONB
time::Timespec and chrono::NaiveDateTime (optional) TIMESTAMP
time::Timespec, chrono::DateTime<UTC>, chrono::DateTime<Local>, and chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset> (optional) TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
chrono::NaiveDate (optional) DATE
chrono::NaiveTime (optional) TIME
uuid::Uuid (optional) UUID
bit_vec::BitVec (optional) BIT, VARBIT
HashMap<String, Option<String>> HSTORE
eui48::MacAddress (optional) MACADDR
geo::Point<f64> (optional) POINT
geo::Bbox<f64> (optional) BOX
geo::LineString<f64> (optional) PATH

Option<T> implements FromSql where T: FromSql and ToSql where T: ToSql, and represents nullable Postgres values.

&[T] and Vec<T> implement ToSql where T: ToSql, and Vec<T> additionally implements FromSql where T: FromSql, which represent one-dimensional Postgres arrays.

More conversions can be defined by implementing the ToSql and FromSql traits.

The postgres-derive crate will synthesize ToSql and FromSql implementations for enum, domain, and composite Postgres types.

Full support for array types is located in the postgres-array crate.

Support for range types is located in the postgres-range crate.

Support for the large object API is located in the postgres-large-object crate.

Optional features

UUID type

UUID support is provided optionally by the with-uuid feature, which adds ToSql and FromSql implementations for uuid's Uuid type.


JSON and JSONB support is provided optionally by the with-rustc-serialize feature, which adds ToSql and FromSql implementations for rustc-serialize's Json type, and the with-serde_json feature, which adds implementations for serde_json's Value type.


Date and Time support is provided optionally by the with-time feature, which adds ToSql and FromSql implementations for time's Timespec type, or the with-chrono feature, which adds ToSql and FromSql implementations for chrono's DateTime, NaiveDateTime, NaiveDate and NaiveTime types.


BIT and VARBIT support is provided optionally by the with-bit-vec feature, which adds ToSql and FromSql implementations for bit-vec's BitVec type.


MACADDR support is provided optionally by the with-eui48 feature, which adds ToSql and FromSql implementations for eui48's MacAddress type.

POINT type

POINT support is provided optionally by the with-geo feature, which adds ToSql and FromSql implementations for geo's Point type.

BOX type

BOX support is provided optionally by the with-geo feature, which adds ToSql and FromSql implementations for geo's Bbox type.

PATH type

PATH support is provided optionally by the with-geo feature, which adds ToSql and FromSql implementations for geo's LineString type. Paths converted from LineString are always treated as "open" paths. Use the pclose geometric function to insert a closed path.


Native PostgreSQL driver for the Rust programming language

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 91.2%Language:C++ 8.2%Language:C 0.5%Language:Shell 0.1%