kimpepper / markdown

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This module provides Markdown integration for Drupal.

The Markdown syntax is designed to co-exist with HTML, so you can set up input formats with both HTML and Markdown support. It is also meant to be as human-readable as possible when left as "source".

There is current an issue open to make CommonMark the "official" Drupal Coding Standard.

While there are several types of PHP Markdown parsing libraries out there, this module requires league/commonmark as the default/fallback parser in a preemptive acceptance of the Drupal Coding Standard.

This module also supports additional PHP Markdown parsers for backwards compatibility reasons and in an effort to open up other options, should you desire a different solution:

Try out a demonstration!

To see a full list of "long tips" provided by this filter, visit:


CommonMark Extensions

  • Enhanced Links - Built in, enabled by default
    Extends CommonMark to provide additional enhancements when rendering links.
  • @ Autolinker - Built in, disabled by default
    Automatically link commonly used references that come after an at character (@) without having to use the link syntax.
  • # Autolinker - Built in, disabled by default
    Automatically link commonly used references that come after a hash character (#) without having to use the link syntax.
  • webuni/commonmark-attributes-extension
    Adds syntax to define attributes on various HTML elements inside a CommonMark markdown document.
  • league/commonmark-extras
    A collection of useful GFM extensions and utilities for the league/commonmark project.

Programmatic Conversion

In some cases you may need to programmatically convert CommonMark Markdown to HTML. This is especially true with support legacy procedural/hook-based functions. An example of how to accomplish this can be found in right here in this module:


use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\markdown\Markdown;

 * Implements hook_help().
 * {@inheritdoc}
function markdown_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {
    case '':
      return Markdown::loadPath($route_name, __DIR__ . '/');

If you need to parse Markdown in other services, inject it as a dependency:


use \Drupal\markdown\MarkdownInterface;

class MyService {

   * A MarkdownParser instance.
   * @var \Drupal\markdown\Plugin\Markdown\MarkdownParserInterface
  protected $markdownParser;

   * MyService constructor.
  public function __construct(MarkdownInterface $markdown) {
    $this->markdownParser = $markdown->getParser();

   * MyService renderer.
  public function render(array $items) {
    $build = ['#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => []];
    foreach ($items as $markdown) {
      $build['#items'][] = $this->markdownParser->parse($markdown);
    return $build;

Or if using it in classes where modifying the constructor may prove difficult, use the MarkdownTrait:


use \Drupal\markdown\Traits\MarkdownTrait;

class MyController {

  use MarkdownTrait;

   * MyService renderer.
  public function render(array $items) {
    $build = ['#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => []];
    foreach ($items as $markdown) {
      $build['#items'][] = $this->parseMarkdown($markdown);
    return $build;


Twig Extensions

This module also provides the following Twig extensions for use in templates:


For simple strings or variables, you can use the markdown filter or function:


{{ "# Some Markdown"|markdown }}
{{ variableContainingMarkdown|markdown }}


{{ markdown("# Some Markdown") }}
{{ markdown(variableContainingMarkdown) }}


If you have more than a single line of Markdown, use the markdown tag:

{% markdown %}
  # Some Markdown

  > This is some _simple_ **markdown** content.
{% endmarkdown %}


For more advanced use cases, you can use the markdown global for direct access to the MarkdownInterface instance.

Generally speaking, it is not recommended that you use this. Doing so will bypass any existing permissions the current user may have in regards to filters.

However, this is particularly useful if you want to specify a specific parser to use (if you have multiple installed):

{{ markdown.getParser('parsedown').parse("# Some Markdown") }}
{{ markdown.getParser('parsedown').parse(variableContainingMarkdown) }}

If you are interested in a Markdown editor please check out the module for Drupal. The demonstration site for this module also uses it if you want to take a peek!


Markdown may conflict with other input filters, depending on the order in which filters are configured to apply. If using Markdown produces unexpected markup when configured with other filters, experimenting with the order of those filters will likely resolve the issue.

Filters that should be run before Markdown filter includes:

  • Code Filter
  • GeSHI filter for code syntax highlighting

Filters that should be run after Markdown filter includes:

  • Filter HTML
  • Typogrify

The "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" filter is a special case:

For best security, ensure that it is run after the Markdown filter and that only markup you would like to allow via HTML and/or Markdown is configured to be allowed.

If you on the other hand want to make sure that all converted Markdown text is preserved, run it before the Markdown filter. Note that blockquoting with Markdown doesn't work in this case since "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" filter converts > characters to &gt;.



Language:PHP 98.9%Language:JavaScript 1.0%Language:HTML 0.1%