kimble / git-jira-hook

This repository is a git hook which is linked to the git commit workflow.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

git-jira hook

Build Status

The git-jira hook is a small application which is installed on every developers' machine in order to check and control that checked-in code changes are linked to a correct JIRA issue according to configurable states.
The reason for using a component like this is to minimize the risk of code changes erroneously being delivered into production in the end.

This git-hook is implemented based on the experiences of similar component designed for several earlier engagements by me and other colleagues.

For more information, please visit:



Your contribution is welcome. Please create an issue and describe it as detailed as you can.
Pull requests are appreciated.


The project is licensed under the MIT license.


This repository is a git hook which is linked to the git commit workflow.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 90.9%Language:Shell 9.1%