kimballa / uiwidgets

Minimal UI widget library for Arduino display drawing

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uiwidgets -- Mini UI widget library

A UI widget library for drawing on an LCD in Arduino. This library uses the TFT_eSPI library for rendering to a screen; however, it provides a UI-widget-centric way of describing content rather than requiring that you performed fine-grained rendering direction, and assists with automatic layout of content elements on the screen.

This depends on the Seeed_Arduino_LCD or TFT_eSPI library for the underlying display control.


Add the UIWidgets library to your Arduino sketch in the IDE.

Or, if you are compiling on the command line:

make all install

Using make depends on my Arduino Makefile (

If building with a Makefile, you must also download, compile, and make install any dependency libraries. See the libs line in the Makefile for a complete list of dependencies.

Layout System

The layout of widgets is based on a nesting system. The top-most visible object is always a Screen. You can have multiple Screens, but only one will show at a time. The Screen can hold one element, which may be something that visibly displays, like a StrLabel, or it could be a Rows or Cols; these can be configured to have N items down or across (which may be more Rows or Cols). Each object has an x, y, width, and height specified in pixels. As containing objects are moved by layout changes, they cascade the position and size offsets to their children.

In general, widgets expand to fill the space available to them. Laying out multiple widgets can be accomplished by nesting Rows and Cols objects to make a grid, where each row or column therein can have a child widget (which may itself be Rows or Cols) with user-controlled height or width. The height/width can also be specified as EQUAL; any such EQUAL rows or columns share equally among all the vertical or horizontal space available. i.e., in a 320x240 display, there are 240 vertical pixels available to a top-level Rows object. If one row is specified to have a height of 100, and two rows are specified as EQUAL, the latter two columns will each have a height of 70 pixels ((240 - 100) / 2).

Tip: Adding a single EQUAL row or column with a NULL UIWidget pointer in the middle of a Rows or Cols will make the previous rows/columns be top/left-justified and subsequent rows/columns be bottom/right-justified.

A FLEX layout option that depends on minimum size to present the specified content is planned but not functional yet.

Each UIWidget knows its absolute coordinates, so if a small element of the screen is invalidated due to changed data, a hierarchical sub-portion of the screen can be redrawn.



The top-most container; exactly one Screen can be shown at a time. No porcelain by default. A Screen holds exactly one child UIWidget. The Screen itself is not technically a UIWidget; it manages the overall connection to the screen hardware and redrawing of the screen.

Relevant methods:

  • void setWidget(UIWidget *w): Binds the top-level widget to the screen.
  • void render(uint32_t renderFlags = RF_NONE): Redraws the entire screen.
  • void renderWidget(UIWidget *w, uint32_t renderFlags = RF_NONE): Redraws only the part of the screen directly under the bounding box of w; w is usually nested inside the top-level widget, rather than indicating the top-level widget itself.
  • getWidth(), getHeight(): Return the size of the screen
  • void setBackground(uint16_t backgroundColor: Specify a background color to apply to the entire screen.


Base class for all other classes in this library. Manages common capabilities associated with widgets. For example, all widgets have the following methods you can call:

  • setBorder(border_flags_t f, uint16_t color): Sets whether one or more edges of the widget have a rectilinear border (or a rounded-rect border for the entire widget).
  • setBackground(uint16_t color): Sets the widget background color.
  • setFocus(bool focus), isFocused(): Controls whether this is the focused widget. A widget with focus is rendered differently (usually inverted colors) than the other widgets.
  • setPadding(int16_t padL, int16_t padR, int16_t padTop, int16_t padBottom): Sets interior margin padding, in pixels, between the edge of the widget's rect and its inner content area. User-specified padding is additive to padding automatically added in the presence of a border created by setBorder(). Your padding parameters may be negative.
  • getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight(): Each describes one parameter of the widget bounding box.
  • void getRect(int16_t &cx, int16_t &cy, int16_t &cw, int16_t ch): Get all bounding box parameters.
  • bool containsWidget(UIWidget *w): Return true if w is nested inside this widget.

Non-interface methods

This object also has a render() method (and redrawChildWidget()), but rendering should actually be drawn through the Screen rather than invoking this yourself; the Screen ensures that any parent widgets have the opportunity to draw background coloring, which may show through if this widget does not have a background color, or otherwise has elements showing the TFT_TRANSPARENT color.

Similarly, the bounding box can be directly set with setBoundingBox(), but when many aspects of a UIWidget's state are changed, they automatically call setBoundingBox() on their child widgets, which would override your preferences.

Important! A widget only has a single bounding box of coordinates, and the parent widget is generally empowered to change those to reflect other necessary layout updates (presence of additional child widgets, or new context from its own parent). For this reason, each widget must have exactly one parent widget.

For example, while you may need multiple labels that say "Name" on the display at once, you cannot repurpose a single StrLabel in multiple rows of a Rows. You must use a different StrLabel in each location (although they may share a common const char * array containing the actual text).

Similarly, each UIWidget instance can only be used on a single Screen; do not attach UIWidgets to each other or to screens in such a way that any UIWidget has more than one parent Screen or UIWidget.

Render performance tips and control

Drawing background rectangles of solid color is a very time-intensive activity and excessive background drawing can cause noticible flickering of the display. You should call setBackground() on as few elements as possible, to achieve as close to a one-and-done coloring of all pixels as possible. Other widgets should be left at the default (BG_NONE aka TRANSPARENT_COLOR aka TFT_TRANSPARENT), which suppresses background drawing.

If you need only a portion of the screen updated, calling Screen.renderWidget() to draw only the invalidated subcomponent (and its children) is much faster than render(). You can further increase speed by passing render flags that control its behavior:

  • RF_NONE: No special handling
  • RF_NO_BACKGROUNDS: Do not draw background flood fill rectangles.
  • RF_FOCUSED: The widget in question is drawn as-if focused, regardless of its setFocus() bit.

In addition, the VScroll object takes additional render flags.


A container for another item. This has no porcelain by default. A panel can have background color or borders enabled in the usual way.

  • void setChild(UIWidget *widget): Sets the child widget of this panel.


A collection of N objects that will be displayed stacked on top of one another. Each row expands to the full width of its container. The Rows can have a fixed per-row height, or each row can use EQUAL; available space is shared equally among all rows specified with EQUAL height. There is also a FLEX parameter to make row height content-sensitive, but this is not yet operational.

  • void setNumRows(uint16_t numRows): Specify the number of rows in the Rows object.
  • void setRow(uint16_t rowNum, UIWidget *widget, int16_t height): Specify the widget that goes in row rowNum (0 is the first/top row, numRows-1 is the bottom/last row) as well as its height. Blank rows may be specified with widget=NULL.
  • setRowHeight(uint16_t rowNum, int16_t height): Control the height of a given row.
  • setFixedHeight(int16_t height): Apply a particular height value to all existing rows. Further row updates with setRow() will override this.


A collection of N objects that will be displayed next to one another, sequenced left-to-right. Each column expands to the full height of its container. The Cols can have a fixed per-col width, or each col can use EQUAL; available space is shared equally among all columns specified with EQUAL width. There is also a FLEX parameter to make column width content-sensitive, but this is not yet operational.

  • void setNumCols(uint16_t numCols): Specify the number of columns in the Cols object.
  • void setColumn(uint16_t colNum, UIWidget *widget, int16_t width): Specify the widget that goes in column colNum (0 is the first/left col, numCols-1 is the right/last col) as well as its width. Blank columns may be specified with widget=NULL.
  • setColumnWidth(uint16_t rowNum, int16_t width): Control the width of a given column.
  • setFixedWidth(int16_t width): Apply a particular width value to all existing cols. Further column updates with setColumn() will override this.


Displays some text. All label subclasses share common methods to control style:

  • void setFont(int fontId): Specify the id of a font within the font library built into TFT_eSPI to use for text rendering. Note that TFT_eSPI uses conditional compilation and #define flags to include or exclude different fonts, so this must match the number for a font that you have included in your build. Note also that this does not yet support the "FreeFont" fonts, only the numbered ones.
  • void setColor(uint16_t color): Set the foreground text color.


Subclass of Label. Displays a string.

  • void setText(const char *str): Sets the text to display in the label to be backed by str. The lifetime of str must not end before the StrLabel itself goes out of scope; StrLabel does not make a copy of this string.
  • void setText(const String &str): Sets the text to display in the label to be backed by str. The lifetime of str must not end before the StrLabel itself goes out of scope; StrLabel does not make a copy of this string.


Subclass of Label. Displays an integer.

  • void setValue(long val): Specifies the number to print to the screen.


Subclass of Label. Displays a float.

  • void setValue(float val): Specifies the number to print to the screen.
  • void setMaxDecimalDigits(uint8_t digits): Specifies the maximum number of digits to the right of the . to render. TFT_eSPI limits this to at most 7.


A selectable visual button with text in it.

  • void setText(const char *str): Sets the text to display in the UIButton to be backed by str. The lifetime of str must not end before the UIButton itself goes out of scope; UIButton does not make a copy of this string.
  • void setFont(int fontId): Specify the id of a font within the font library built into TFT_eSPI to use for text rendering. Note that TFT_eSPI uses conditional compilation and #define flags to include or exclude different fonts, so this must match the number for a font that you have included in your build. Note also that this does not yet support the "FreeFont" fonts, only the numbered ones.
  • void setColor(uint16_t color): Set the foreground text color.

Tip: You can render a button being "clicked" with myScreen.renderWidget(&myButton, RF_FOCUSED);

Note that buttons ignore background and border; a UIButton is essentially a StrLabel with the styles setBackground(BG_NONE); setBorder(BORDER_ROUNDED); forcibly applied.


A container that holds a variable number of items, more than can be shown on the screen. A vertically-oriented scrollbar is on the right side; this can be scrolled to carousel which elements are rendered to the screen. A line of this scrollable collection can be granted focus by virtue of being the selected element of the VScroll; the selection can be moved up and down, as can the window of displayed elements.

Useful methods:

Managing content:

  • void add(UIWidget *widget): Add another entry to the bottom of the VScroll.
  • void remove(UIWidget *widget): Remove the specified child widget.
  • void clear(): Remove all children

Content quantification:

  • size_t size(): Number of entries
  • size_t position(): The index of the entry at the top of the visible content window.
  • size_t bottomIdx(): The index of the entry one past the bottom of the visible content window.

Managing the selection:

  • bool setSelection(size_t idx): Set the index of the selected widget. Returns true on success.
  • bool selectUp(): Select the previous element. Returns true on success.
  • bool selectDown(): Select the next element. Returns true on success.
  • size_t selectIdx(): The index of the selected widget or NO_SELECTION.
  • UIWidget *getSelected(): Get the selected widget itself or NULL.

Visual control:

  • setItemHeight(int16_t newHeight): Set the row height available to each child widget to render in. Unlike Rows, the item height for VScroll children is set once and consistently applied to all child widgets including those added after the call to setItemHeight().
  • void setContentBackground(uitn16_t color): Set the background color for the content area.
  • void setContentBackground(uitn16_t color): Set the background color for the scrollbar area.
  • Note that VScroll does not respect the general UIWidget::setBackground() method.

Fine-grained render/animation control:

  • void renderScrollUp(TFT_eSPI &lcd, bool btnActive, uint32_t renderFlags=0): Render just the "scroll-up" caret. If the caret is being "pressed", btnActive should be true.
  • void renderScrollDown(TFT_eSPI &lcd, bool btnActive, uint32_t renderFlags=0): Render just the "scroll-down" caret. If the caret is being "pressed", btnActive should be true.
  • The scrollbar itself and main content can be rendered in fine-grained fashion through Screen::renderWidget() with appropriate renderFlags bits set.

VScroll supports additional render flags when redrawing:

  • RF_VSCROLL_CONTENT: Redraw the content area; do not also redraw the scrollbar unless explicitly asked to. (You may also add RF_VSCROLL_SCROLLBAR)
  • RF_VSCROLL_SCROLLBAR: Redraw just the scrollbar (and its caret buttons); do not also redraw the content area unless explicitly asked to. (You may also add RF_VSCROLL_CONTENT)
  • RF_VSCROLL_SELECTED: Only redraw the selected entry of the VScroll's content area, as well as the most-previously selected entry before this one.

Menu (TODO)

Not yet implemented.

A collection of text lines that can each be selected. (TODO: Does this take over the whole screen?)

Implementing your own widgets

If you want to create more widgets unique to your project, you can create subclasses of UIWidget.

These must implement the following methods:

  • virtual void render(TFT_eSPI &lcd, uint32_t renderFlags) - Render the widget itself using the drawing methods of lcd. You must stick to the area of the screen specified by UIWidget::getRect().
  • virtual bool redrawChildWidget(UIWidget *widget, TFT_eSPI &lcd, uint32_t renderFlags=0) - If widget == this, act like render(); otherwise, re-render any of your own content that falls within the bounding box of widget. If you have child widgets, you should test if someChild->containsWidget(widget) and if true for each/any of them, call redrawChildWidget() recursively.
  • virtual void cascadeBoundingBox() - After your own bounding box is updated by your parent widget, the parent will invoke childWidget.cascadeBoundingBox() to notify you of the changed bounding box. Within this method, you should then call setBoundingBox(x, y, w, h) as appropriate on each of your own child widgets. In general, container-like objects should set the bounding box of their child objects to begin as far to the left and top of the screen / their own bounding box (i.e., closer to x=0, y=0) as possible, and make the child object as wide or as tall as possible within the confines of your own bounding box, minus any porcelain from border, padding, or other internal graphical elements.
  • virtual int16_t getContentWidth(TFT_eSPI &lcd) const - Return the minimum width required to draw your content plus any border/padding.
  • virtual int16_t getContentHeight(TFT_eSPI &lcd) const - Return the minimum height required to draw your content plus any border/padding.

Helpful inherited methods

UIWidget contanis many helper methods likely useful to you:

  • void drawBackground(TFT_eSPI &lcd, uint32_t renderFlags): Draw the background color of your widget, if any. Typically called at the start of render().
  • void drawBorder(TFT_eSPI &lcd, uint32_t renderFlags): Draw the border of your widget, if any. Typically called just after drawBackground() at the start of render().
  • drawBackgroundUnderWidget(UIWidget *widget, TFT_eSPI &lcd, uint32_t renderFlags=0): If your widget has a background color set, draw the background color under the rectangle specified by widget's bounding box. Typically used within redrawChildWidget() instead of drawBackground(), as there is substantial performance savings to redrawing only the minimal part of the screen required versus redrawing the whole thing.
  • void getChildAreaBoundingBox(int16_t &childX, int16_t &childY, int16_t &childW, int16_t &childH): Returns the bounding box (in pixels) of the area where you should draw your content. This may be smaller than getRect(), as it accounts for space taken up by a border (if set) and user-specified padding from setPadding().
  • int16_t addBorderWidth(int16_t contentWidth): Returns contentWidth plus any pixel width required to render borders or account for user-specified padding. Used in getContentWidth().
  • int16_t addBorderHeight(int16_t contentHeight): Returns contentHeight plus any pixel height required to render borders or account for user-specified padding. Used in getContentHeight().


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE.txt for complete details.


Minimal UI widget library for Arduino display drawing

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:C++ 96.6%Language:Makefile 3.4%