kimar / spotify-party-jukebox

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Spotify Jukebox

Spotify Jukebox is a free Spotify-powered app that lets your guests choose which music should be played using their smartphones.

This is a fork of the great Festify App. Google Analytics as well as assets which might be related to copyrights (such as the name, icon etc.) have been removed.



  1. nodejs, TypeScript and yarn: This app is written in TypeScript for better scalability and fewer bugs. We use yarn for package management.
  2. Firebase: This app is built upon Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Cloud Functions. Set up a dedicated and paid Firebase project. For user management, you need to enable at least anonymous authentication, and if you want cheat-prevention to work, also authentication with GitHub, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. In that case, you also need to set up and register the respective app / developer accounts with these services.
  3. Spotify: This app plays music from Spotify. Set up a Spotify Developer Application (you need a Spotify Premium account) and configure the OAuth redirect URL. Usually at least http://localhost:3000 is needed for a dev-environment. 3000 is the port the dev-server started with yarn serve runs on, but this can be any port you like, if you configure the dev server accordingly.
  4. & Sentry: This app displays Fanart from in the TV Mode and uses Sentry for error reporting. You require an account for both services.

Environment Files

This app loads configuration variables though JS / TS / JSON files included in the build process. All following paths are relative to the repository root.

  • src/admins.ts: A list of allowed admins which may create parties, those emails need to be the email of their Spotify accounts encoded using Base64:

    export default ['YWxpYXNAZG9tYWluLnRsZCAtbgo='];

    You can encode your email using Base64 using the base64 command line tool, e.g.:

    $ echo "alias@domain.tld" -n | base64
    ➜ YWxpYXNAZG9tYWluLnRsZCAtbgo=

    Please note: This is not a guarantee to protect your admin email from being leaked, it's a basic measure to make it harder to be crawled.

  • common.config.js: This file includes common configuration values that don't deserve their own file. Currently this is the Sentry URL and the API key. It looks like this:

    export const SENTRY_URL = 'SENTRY_URL_HERE';
  • firebase.config.js: This file contains a simplified form of the config snippet you get when you add Firebase to a web application.

    export default {
        apiKey: 'FIREBASE_API_KEY',
        authDomain: 'FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN',
        databaseURL: 'FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL',
        projectId: 'FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID',
  • spotify.config.js: This file contains the required configuration for authorization with Spotify and playback.

  • functions/service-account.json: This is the Firebase service account file obtained directly from the web console. You can obtain it by going to Project Settings > Service Accounts > Firebase Admin SDK > Generate new private key.

  • functions/spotify.config.ts: This file contains Spotify configuration for the cloud functions.


Since all config values (except for the service-account.json) are loaded through standard ES modules machinery, building the project will notify you if something is missing.

Building & Serving Locally

The package.json contains all necessary commands for building This app.

  • build: Compiles the TypeScript to JS and bundles all JS to a single file. You can then deploy the files in /build to a webserver of choice to run this app.
  • fix: Attempts to automatically fix linter errors.
  • lint: Lints the TS sources with tslint.
  • prepare-env: Used in CI environments to load environment files from branch-name-suffixed environment variables.
  • serve: Starts the rollup dev-server serving a local instance of this app on port 3000. Also supports live-reloading. Ensure you deploy the project to firebase before using the dev server because this app depends on cloud functions to be present!


  1. Deploy the Firebase Realtime Database
$ firebase deploy --only database
  1. Build & Deploy Firebase Functions
$ cd functions && yarn deploy
  1. Build Web App
$ yarn build
  1. Deploy Web App from ./build to your preferred static host e.g. an S3 Bucket, GitHub Pages, BunnyCDN, Cloudflare, etc.





Language:TypeScript 96.9%Language:JavaScript 1.8%Language:HTML 1.2%