killnine / MahApps.Metro.Mvvm

A Cookbook of MVVM-oriented Solutions to Common MahApps.Metro Problems

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A Cookbook of MVVM-oriented Solutions to Common MahApps.Metro Problems


MahApss.Metro is an open-source project that brings Metro-style to your WPF applications.

The primary contributors of MA.M have stated that the library is not opinionated about a user's backend implementation (MVVM, MVC, direct code-behind). This offers a lot of flexibility and makes it straightforward to get started with MA.M. However, there are nuances to more advanced UI topics that would benefit from a clear preference towards Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM).

MVVM is one of the preferred ways of designing WPF applications but doing it correctly is clearly a challenge. This project will serve as a resource for best-practices when combining MA.M with MVVM.

Project Topics

  1. Dialogs
  2. Flyouts
  3. Inter-ViewModel Communication

MVVM Frameworks

  1. MVVM Light
  2. Caliburn.Micro
  3. Prism (?)

Contributing to the Project

We're going to write this using the conventions of the LeanPub book writing scheme to start. It will allow us to push this manuscript into LeanPub and quickly create EPub formatted books, etc. for use.


A Cookbook of MVVM-oriented Solutions to Common MahApps.Metro Problems