killlowkey / golang-web

基于 Golang HTTP 包实现一款 Web 框架

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superbenchmarker 压力测试

superbenchmarker 工具在 Windows、Linux、Mac 可用

  1. 安装教程:


PS F:\liunx\wrk-4.2.0> sb
SuperBenchmarker 4.5.1
Copyright (C) 2022 Ali Kheyrollahi
Required option 'u, url' is missing.

  -c, --concurrency            (Default: 1) Number of concurrent requests

  -n, --numberOfRequests       (Default: 100) Total number of requests

  -N, --numberOfSeconds        Number of seconds to run the test. If specified, -n will be ignored.

  -y, --delayInMillisecond     (Default: 0) Delay in millisecond

  -u, --url                    Required. Target URL to call. Can include placeholders.

  -m, --method                 (Default: GET) HTTP Method to use

  -t, --template               Path to request template to use

  -p, --plugin                 Name of the plugin (DLL) to provide a type for replacing placeholders or one for
                               overriding status code.Must reside in the same folder.

  -l, --logfile                Path to the log file storing run stats

  -f, --file                   Path to CSV file providing replacement values for the test

  -a, --TSV                    If you provide a tab-separated-file (TSV) with -f option instead of CSV

  -d, --dryRun                 Runs a single dry run request to make sure all is good

  -e, --timedField             Designates a datetime field in data. If set, requests will be sent according to order
                               and timing of records.

  -g, --TlsVersion             Version of TLS used. Accepted values are 0, 1, 2 and 3 for TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
                               and SSL3, respectively

  -v, --verbose                Provides verbose tracing information

  -b, --tokeniseBody           Tokenise the body

  -k, --cookies                Outputs cookies

  -x, --useProxy               Whether to use default browser proxy. Useful for seeing request/response in Fiddler.

  -q, --onlyRequest            In a dry-run (debug) mode shows only the request.

  -h, --headers                Displays headers for request and response.

  -z, --saveResponses          saves responses in -w parameter or if not provided in\response_<timestamp>

  -w, --responsesFolder        folder to save responses in if and only if -z parameter is set

  -?, --help                   Displays this help.

  -C, --dontcap                Don't Cap to 50 characters when Logging parameters

  -R, --responseRegex          Regex to extract from response. If it has groups, it retrieves the last group.

  -j, --jsonCount              Captures number of elements under the path e.g. root/leaf1/leaf2 finds count of leaf2
                               children - stores in the log as another parameter. If the array is at the root of the
                               JSON, use space: -j ' '

  -W, --warmUpPeriod           (Default: 0) Number of seconds to gradually increase number of concurrent users. Warm-up
                               calls do not affect stats.

  -P, --reportSliceSeconds     (Default: 3) Number of seconds as interval for reporting slices. E.g. if chosen as 5,
                               report charts have 5 second intervals.

  -F, --reportFolder           Name of the folder where report files get stored. By default it is in
                               yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.ffffff of the start time.

  -B, --dontBrowseToReports    By default it, sb opens the browser with the report of the running test. If specified,
                               it wil not browse.

  -U, --shuffleData            If specified, shuffles the dataset provided by -f option.

  --help                       Display this help screen.

  --version                    Display version information.

Error Code: CommandLine.MissingRequiredOptionError

sb 测试

sb -u "" -c 4 -n 1800

  1. -u:测试连接
  2. -c:并发数量
  3. -n:总共请求数量

sb -u "" -c 4 -N 1800

  1. -N:测试秒数,这里为 1800 秒

sb -u "" -n 1000 -m DELETE

  1. -m:请求方法,这里为 delete

wrk 压力测试

wrk 下载与安装

wrk 工具仅在 Linux 和 Mac 上可用,以下安装在 WSL 环境下进行

  1. 下载源代码:
  2. 解压 tar.gz:tar -xzvf wrk-4.2.0.tar.gz
  3. 编译源代码:make
  4. 当前目录下创建 bin 目录,并将编译后 wrk 文件移动到 bin 目录下
  5. 安装 wrk:编辑 /etc/profile 尾部增加 export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/f/liunx/wrk-4.2.0/bin

wrk usage

root@DESKTOP-HNGKMS5:/mnt/f/liunx/wrk-4.2.0# wrk
Usage: wrk <options> <url>
    -c, --connections <N>  Connections to keep open
    -d, --duration    <T>  Duration of test
    -t, --threads     <N>  Number of threads to use

    -s, --script      <S>  Load Lua script file
    -H, --header      <H>  Add header to request
        --latency          Print latency statistics
        --timeout     <T>  Socket/request timeout
    -v, --version          Print version details

  Numeric arguments may include a SI unit (1k, 1M, 1G)
  Time arguments may include a time unit (2s, 2m, 2h)

wrk 压力测试

执行该命令:wrk -t 16 -c 100 -d 30s

  1. -t:线程数量
  2. -c:并发连接数
  3. -d:压测时间
root@DESKTOP-HNGKMS5:/mnt/f/liunx/wrk-4.2.0# wrk -t 16 -c 100 -d 30s
Running 30s test @
  16 threads and 100 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     3.14ms    3.65ms  49.61ms   86.44%
    Req/Sec     2.70k   355.55     4.25k    68.06%
  1290206 requests in 30.02s, 157.50MB read
Requests/sec:  42977.23
Transfer/sec:      5.25MB


  1. wrk github
  2. 如何通过压力测试得知系统的QPS


基于 Golang HTTP 包实现一款 Web 框架


Language:Go 100.0%