killerfish / Part-DB-symfony

[WIP] A new Part-DB experience based on Symfony4

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Part-DB is an Open-Source inventory managment system for your electronic components. It is installed on a web server and so can be accessed with any browser without the need to install additional software.

The version in this Repository is a complete rewrite of the legacy Part-DB (Version < 1.0) based on a modern framework. In the moment it lacks some features from the old Part-DB and the testing and documentation is not finished. Part-DB is in undergoing development, that means features and appeareance can change, and the software can contain bugs.

If you find a bug, please open an Issue on Github so it can be fixed for everybody.


If you want to test Part-DB without installing it, you can use this Heroku instance. (Or this link for the German Version).

You can log in with username: user and password: user.

Every change to the master branch gets automatically deployed, so it represents the currenct development progress and is maybe not completly stable. Please mind, that the free Heroku instance is used, so it can take some time when loading the page for the first time.


As this version of Part-DB is under development, some of the features listed below is not existing yet and the list of the features could change in the future. Features that are not working yet are marked with a star (*).

  • Inventory managment of your electronic parts. Each part can be assigned to a category, footprint, manufacturer and multiple store locations and price informations. Parts can be grouped using tags. Support for file attachments like datasheets.
  • Multi-Language support (currently German, English, Russian, Japanese and French (experimental))
  • Barcodes/Labels generator for parts and storage locations
  • User system with groups and detailed permissions. Two-factor authentication is supported (Google Authenticator and U2F keys) and can be enforced. Password reset via email can be setuped.
  • Import/Export system (*)
  • Project managment: Parts can be assigned to projects to manage how often a project can be build. (*)
  • Order managment: Collect parts that should be ordered during the next order on your distributor and automatically add it to your instock, when they arrive. (*)
  • Event log: Track what changes happens to your inventory, track which user does what. Revert your parts to older versions.
  • Responsive design: You can use Part-DB on your PC, your tablet and your smartphone using the same interface.
  • PartKeepr import (*)
  • MySQL and SQLite (experimental) supported as database backends

With this features Part-DB is useful to hobbyists, who want to keep track of their private electronic parts inventory, or makerspaces, where many users have should have (controlled) access to the shared inventory.

Part-DB is also used by small companies and universities for managing their inventory.


  • A web server (like Apache2 or nginx) that is capable of running Symfony 5, this includes a minimum PHP version of PHP 7.2.5
  • A MySQL (at least 5.6.5) /MariaDB (at least 10.0.1) database server if you do not want to use SQLite.
  • Shell access to your server is highly suggested!
  • For building the client side assets yarn and nodejs is needed.


Caution: It is possible to upgrade the old Part-DB databases. Anyhow, the migrations that will be made, are not compatible with the old Part-DB versions, so you must not use the old Part-DB versions with the new database, or the DB could become corrupted. Also after the migration it is not possible to go back to the old database scheme, so make sure to make a backup of your database beforehand. See UPGRADE for more infos.

Hint: A docker image is available under jbtronics/part-db1. How to setup Part-DB via docker is described here.

  1. Copy or clone this repository into a folder on your server.
  2. Configure your webserver to serve from the public/ folder. See here for additional informations.
  3. Copy the global config file cp .env .env.local and edit .env.local:
    • Change the line APP_ENV=dev to APP_ENV=prod
    • If you do not want to use SQLite, change the value of DATABASE_URL= to your needs (see here) for the format. In bigger instances with concurrent accesses, MySQL is more performant. This can not be changed easily later, so choose wisely.
  4. Install composer dependencies and generate autoload files: composer install --no-dev
  5. If you have put Part-DB into a sub-directory on your server (like part-db/), you have to edit the file webpack.config.js and uncomment the lines (remove the // before the lines) .setPublicPath('/part-db/build') (line 43) and .setManifestKeyPrefix('build/') (line 44). You have to replace /part-db with your own path on line 44.
  6. Install client side dependencies and build it: yarn install and yarn build
  7. Optional (speeds up first load): Warmup cache: php bin/console cache:warmup
  8. Upgrade database to new scheme (or create it, when it was empty): php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate and follow the instructions given. During the process the password for the admin is user is shown. Copy it. Caution: This steps tamper with your database and could potentially destroy it. So make sure to make a backup of your database.
  9. You can configure Part-DB via config/parameters.yaml. You should check if settings match your expectations, after you installed/upgraded Part-DB. Check if partdb.default_currency matches your mainly used currency (this can not be changed after creating price informations). Run php bin/console cache:clear when you changed something.
  10. Access Part-DB in your browser (under the URL you put it) and login with user admin. Password is the one outputted during DB setup. If you can not remember the password, set a new one with php bin/console app:set-password admin. You can create new users with the admin user and start using Part-DB.

When you want to upgrade to a newer version, then just copy the new files into the folder and repeat the steps 4. to 7.

Useful console commands

Part-DB provides some command consoles which can be invoked by php bin/console [command]. You can get help for every command with the parameter --help. Useful commands are:

  • php bin/console app:set-password [username]: Sets a new password for the user with the given username. Useful if you forget the password to your Part-DB instance.

  • php bin/console app:show-logs: Show last activty log on console. Use -x options, to include extra column.

  • php bin/console app:update-exchange-rates: Update the exchange rates of your currencies from internet. Setup this to be run in a cronjob to always get up-to-date exchange rates. If you dont use Euro as base currency, you have to setup an API key in .env.local.

  • php bin/console app:clean-attachments: Removes all unused files (files without an associated attachment) in attachments folder. Normally Part-DB should be able to delete the attachment file, if you delete the attachment, but if you have some obsolete files left over from legacy Part-DB you can remove them safely with this command.

  • php bin/console cache:clear: Remove and rebuild all caches. If you encounter some weird issues in Part-DB, it maybe helps to run this command.

  • php bin/console doctrine:migrations:up-to-date: Check if your database is up to date.

  • Normally a random password is generated when the admin user is created during inital database creation. You can set the inital admin password, by setting the INITIAL_ADMIN_PW env var.

Donate for development

If you want to donate to the Part-DB developer, see the sponsor button in the top bar (next to the repo name). There you will find various methods to support development on a monthly or a one time base.

Built with


  • Jan Böhmer - Inital work - Github

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

Based on the original Part-DB by Christoph Lechner and K. Jacobs


Part-DB is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (or at your opinion any later). This mostly means that you can use Part-DB for whatever you want (even use it commercially) as long as you publish the source code for every change you make under the AGPL, too.

See LICENSE for more informations.


[WIP] A new Part-DB experience based on Symfony4

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 82.3%Language:Twig 9.7%Language:JavaScript 3.4%Language:CSS 2.4%Language:TypeScript 1.9%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%