Forked and enhanced by nuha, support tsel unli tiktok, isat edu etc Payload menggunakan file injector.ini dan di baca setiap koeksi dilakukan tanpa stop script
file injector.ini, ganti nilai payload sesuai bug yang dipakai tan-pa stop script
payload=GET wss:// HTTP/1.1[crlf]Host:[crlf]Upgrade: websocket[crlf][crlf]
Menggunakan py selector versi python di windows
HTTP Injector ini khusus untuk para pecinta Internet Gratis sekaligus Para Upreker, Script ini menggunkan Manual Payload.
1 = Proxy
2 = Direct
3 = Proxy when Client not Support Proxy.
4 = Direct when Client not Support Proxy.
5 = ICMP with Proxy.
6 = ICMP Direct.
7 = SSL Direct.
8 = SSL with Proxy.
9 = SSL with Proxy+Payload.
[crlf*2] , [crlf], [lfcr], [cr], [lf], [host], [port], [method], [host_port], [protocol], [netData], [raw], [real_raw], [ssh], [ua]
INJECTOR v1.6 +1.0
Created by Marcone 2018
Enhanced by nuha
#python #windows #injector #http #httpinjector #nuha