kiinse / DarkWaterAPI

A library for SpigotMC 1.18 and above that aims to improve plugin code

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A library for SpigotMC 1.18 and above that aims to improve plugin code

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If you want to support the project, then star this repository and tell your friends about DarkWaterAPI =3


Join the Discord if you have any questions. Please don't open an issue just for the sake of questions.


  • Simple and convenient plugin localization system
  • Easily create interactive text in messages
  • Improved command work
  • Player stats tracking
  • The 'isWalking(player)' and 'isJumping(player)' methods. Really useful stuff =)
  • Easy management bukkit scheduler's
  • Easily manage files and data in them
  • Checking the config version
  • Enabling, disabling and reloading plugins that use this library
  • And much more


The latest version can be downloaded on the releases page.


In order for DarkWaterAPI to work, it must be placed in the plugins' folder.





 repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'kiinse.plugins.darkwaterapi:darkwater-core:ENTER_VERSION_HERE'


For all examples and more detailed explanation check out the Wiki.

Since all examples are on WIKI, I will give a small example of working with messages here.

In the resources folder create a "messages" folder, where also create several localization files. For example en.json and ru.json. The result is the following structure:

└── resources
    └── messages
        ├── en.json
        └── ru.json

After running the plugin containing the main class, which was inherited from "DarkWaterJavaPlugin" - These files will appear in the plugin folder on the server.

Sending text from these files takes just two lines:

public final class TestPlugin extends DarkWaterJavaPlugin { // Main class

    public void onStart() throws Exception {
        // Code at startup

    public void onStop() throws Exception {
        // Shutdown code

    private void sendMessageToPlayer(Player player) {
        MessagesUtils messagesUtils = new DarkMessagesUtils(this);
        messagesUtils.sendMessageWithPrefix(player, Message.MESSAGE_HELLO); // We send to player the message "message_hello" from the json file.
        // This text will correspond to the selected localization of the player.

Contents of message files:

File "en.json":

  "prefix": "message prefix",
  "message_hello": "Hello player!"

File "ru.json":

  "prefix": "message prefix",
  "message_hello": "Привет, игрок!"


Command Permission Description
/playerLocale playerLocale.status Displays your current location
/playerLocale change playerLocale.change Opens a GUI to change the selected language
/playerLocale help Help command
/playerLocale set [playerLocale] playerLocale.change Setting the language without opening the GUI
/playerLocale list playerLocale.list List of languages available for selection
/playerLocale get [player] playerLocale.get View player's language
/darkwater reload [plugin] darkwater.reload Reloading a plugin using DarkWaterAPI
/darkwater disable [plugin] darkwater.disable Disabling a plugin using DarkWaterAPI
/darkwater enable [plugin] darkwater.enable Enabling a plugin using DarkWaterAPI
/statistic darkwater.statistic View statistics on the number of killed mobs.


Placeholder Description
%statistic_PUT-HERE-MOB% (Example: %statistic_CREEPER%) Display the number of killed mob
%locale_player% Language display
%locale_list% Displaying a list of languages available for selection


playerLocale.default: en # The default language if the player's language is not available on the server, or it has not been defined

first.join.message: true # A message when the player enters, telling about the definition of the player's language and the possibility of changing this language.
actionbar.indicators: true # Indicators above the player's toolbar. This function is needed for some plugins that use DarkWaterAPI. Requires PlaceHolderAPI to work.

config.version: 3 # DO NOT TOUCH THIS PLEASE =)
debug: false # This line is not in the config by default, but you can enter it in the DarkWaterAPI config to display config logs in the server console.


A library for SpigotMC 1.18 and above that aims to improve plugin code

License:MIT License


Language:Kotlin 96.8%Language:Java 3.2%