kibernick / mittens

A scallable error-logging service, ready to be deployed at a moment's notice.

Repository from Github https://github.comkibernick/mittensRepository from Github https://github.comkibernick/mittens



A scalable API service that collects JavaScript errors produced by visitors in multiple websites. Why mittens? Hot objects (like error logs) are best handled by wearing mitts!

  • Python 3.8 - using the latest Python
  • Flask - a micro-framework for web projects, that is flexible and has a great community
  • uwsgi over nginx - a fast and pretty "standard" way of serving (C)Python
  • MySQL - simple use case, so nothing too fancy, possibly would add queues


  • List, create and get error logs – (message) content and meta (data)
  • Access control via api_key issued per tenant
  • API documentation (Swagger) available at
  • Filter desired fields in response with the X-Fields header
  • Rate limiting on Nginx level, using limit_req_zone and $http_x_forwarded_for

Developer goodies

Local development setup (sans Docker)

Make sure that you have Python 3.8 available on your system, and have the MySQL database, table and user setup as per DevConfig.

  • Create a virtualenv inside your pyenv (or equivalent) for Python 3.8
  • Activate it (and update it with pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel)
  • Install all the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Make sure you have MySQL installed locally
  • You may initialize your local database with make localdb (assumes root user with no password)
  • Run the migrations: FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask db upgrade
  • Run the app server: make app

Adding and querying error logs is protected by simple API keys. In order to use the Mittens API, you need to create a new tenant and give them an api_key. You can do this by entering the app console with make console and running:

from mittens.db import db
from mittens.logs.models import Tenant

session = db.create_scoped_session()

Start a Docker container on Kubernetes (Minikube)

minikube start
eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker-compose build
kubectl run mittens --image=mittens_web --port=80 --image-pull-policy=Never
kubectl expose deployment/mittens --type=NodePort
minikube service mittens

Usage and documentation

You can Navigate to the root of the running server/container and find the interactive Swagger UI, which serves as API documentation.



Run the unit and functional tests with the make test command.

You can also do load testing with locust by running the following:

locust -f tests/ --host={app uri}

and then open in your browser.

UPDATE(April 2021): locust library requires latest Werkzeug, which doesn't work with flask-restplus.

Improvements wishlist

  • Configurable limit_req_zone parameters
  • CI build
  • Have a base Docker image for OS and Python dependencies
  • Configuration management for deployment
  • Use UUID instead of Integer for IDs
  • Pagination
  • JWT auth tokens
  • Admin panel with the ability to search over error log content and metadata


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip.req'

Make sure you're using the latest pip-tools:

pip install -U pip-tools


A scallable error-logging service, ready to be deployed at a moment's notice.


Language:Python 92.1%Language:Dockerfile 4.7%Language:Mako 2.1%Language:Makefile 1.1%