ki-ki-316 / GoExperts_TF

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#Repo for GoExperts Terraform files.

If you want to construct all your infrastructure, e.g. frontend, backend, lambda, etc., you should put your tf files here.

  1. DO NOT operate on the main branch directly. Checkout your own branch instead, e.g. feature/new_terraform.
  2. Put different files to the 3 directories:
    • modules: resusable terraform modules.
    • applications: deployment files.
    • cicd: pipeline files, e.g. Jenkinsfile.

One example:

├── applications
│   ├── aws_api_lambda
│   ├── aws_backend
│   ├── aws_frontend
│   ├── backend-lock
│   ├── gcp_backend
│   ├── gcp_frontend
│   └── lambda_backend
├── cicd
│   ├── Jenkinsfile.aws_fe
│   └── Jenkinsfile.lambda
└── modules
    ├── aws-dynamodb-lock
    ├── aws-ecs-alb-asg
    ├── aws-s3-cloudfront
    ├── gcp-gcs
    ├── gcp-gke-vpc
    └── lambda-api-gateway
