This API is designed to return quotes to the user.
- / => Will return all the quotes listed in the quotes.json file.
- /:id => id is a variable which returns a quote having that id.
- /random => Will return a random quote from the list of quotes.
- Make sure you have NodeJS installed. Check it by typing this command in your terminal -
node --version
Fork this repository.
Clone this repository by running the following command in your terminal -
git clone
- cd into the folder by using the following command -
cd quotes-api
- Install the dependencies by running the following command -
npm install
- To run the application, type the following command in your terminal -
npm run start
- Access the results produced by accessing the following URL in your browser -
If you are more familiar with Docker, you can also build an image using the Dockerfile and start it:
$ docker build -t quotes-api .
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 quotes-api
Check if you want to learn how to make a contribution.
Append your quote to quote.json inside the quote/ folder and raise the PR.
"quote":"Your new Quote",
"author":"Author of your quote",
"id": "+1 the previous id"
- Please avoid the repetition of quotes.
- Do not make any changes in other files.
- Do not repeat the id's