ALSound offer an easy way to play, capture and mix sounds in your FreePascal/Lazarus applications. It use OpenAL-Soft and LibSndFile libraries. You hardly have to know these libraries to use ALSound.
Tested under Linux, Windows and MacOS (x86-64 only).
'source' -> the source of ALSound.
'example' -> contains some examples to show how to integrate ALSound in your FreePascal/Lazarus programs. After compilation, the example executable are placed in folder "binary", sub-folder "$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)"
'docs' -> In progress. Contains a copy of OpenAL documentation.
'binary' -> contains sub-folder for each actual supported platforms. The compiled binaries of OpenAL-Soft and LibSndFile are provided for Windows and Linux both i386 and x86-64 and can be found in their respective sub-folder. If you prefers to compile these libraries by yourself, please go to their respective github repository and follow the guideline.
ALSound loads dynamically the two libraries at startup:
The dlls must be named 'soft_oal.dll' and 'sndfile.dll' and copied in the same folder (or in a sub-folder) as your executable.
The libraries must be named '' and '' and copied in the same folder (or in a sub-folder) as your executable.
The libraries must be named 'libopenal.dylib' and 'libsndfile.dylib'.
- If your application don't use a bundle, put a copy of the libraries in the same folder (or in a sub-folder) as your executable and in your Lazarus->Project options->Application->uncheck 'use Application Bundle for running and debugging'.
- If your application use a bundle, put a copy of the libraries in the Resources folder of the bundle (or sub-folder and in your Lazarus->Project options->Application->check 'use Application Bundle for running and debugging'.
NOTE for all platforms: if you use a sub-folder your application must call ALSManager.SetLibrariesSubFolder(OnlyTheNameOfTheSubfolder) before calling ALSManager.LoadLibraries.
Thanks to Christopher Robinson, the author and maintainer of OpenAL-Soft, for its help. (
Thanks to the LibSndFile team. (
Thanks to Fred van Stappen, the author of United OpenLib of Sound (UOS) ( who wrote pascal binding for LibSndFile and PortAudio. This inspired me to write pascal binding for OpenAL-Soft and LibSndFile used by ALSound.