khanalg44 / AllAboutGit

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

All About Git

  • From branching, merging to conflict resolutions.

Create a new branch from terminal

  1. clone the master repo into a new folder
    • git clone --recursive new_branch
  2. Go inside the directory new_branch
    • cd new_branch
  3. Create a branch
    • git branch new_branch
  4. Checkout to the new branch
    • git chekout new_branch
  5. Now add a file (file1) and push it to remote.
    • git add file1; git commit -m 'added new file'; git push
  6. Go to the directory with master branch and do git pull so that the master branch knows about the newly created branch new_branch
    • cd <master_branch>; git pull

Merging the Master branch to a different branch

Once the local changes are commited and pushed you can merge the master to your branch.

  1. Go inside the branch and merge the master branch
    • git merge origin/main
  2. Push the changes to the remote.
    • git push

Undoing the Commit

  1. Assuming the code is added annd already commited to the repo. The following will undo the commits without removing the local changes. (Stack Overflow link)[]
    • git reset HEAD~1
