khalilst / coupon

A Sample Coupon System

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About Coupon Demo App

This is a demo project to cover rudimentary admin & normal user requirements in a simple couponing system.

Admin Actions:

  • List Active Coupons (with multiple filtering and ordering on all fields)
  • Create new coupon (Normal Code & Unique Code)
  • Update a coupon
  • Show a coupon information
  • Delete a coupon

Note: The coupons that used by users (already have users) could not be deleted and their codes are not editable.

User Actions:

  • List Active Coupons (with multiple filtering and ordering on all fields)
  • Show a coupon information (and it assigned to the user)


Clone the project and install it:

git clone
composer install
cp .env.example .env

Put your desired configurations inside .env file, database & queue configurations. Then run the following commands:

php artisan migrate
php artisan passport:install

Default users

To create Admin and two fake normal users run the following command:

php artisan db:seed --class UsersTableSeeder

Now you have the following users:

1. Admin: admin@coupon.test
2. Normal User: user1@coupon.test
2. Normal User: user2@coupon.test

The password is password for all users.

Fake Data

To generate default users plus fake categories, brands & coupons run the following command:

php artisan db:seed

Codes Helper Command

To generate a codes file with thousands of lines run the following command:

php artisan make:codes codes.txt

It will generate a file in storage/codes/codes.txt with 500,000 random codes per each line.

However you can change the number of codes:

php artisan make:codes codes.txt --count=1000000

API Documentation

Please import Postman collection and evironment json files from project folder.

You can find couple of examples for available routes, just consider the environment variables to have correct values.

For the sake of ease, first run the login API to fill up the Bearer Token variable automatically, then use other APIs.


About 25 tests has been written for Coupon API's and you can run those with the following command:


Note: Please consider test configuration set to use in memeory Sqlite and you need to install sqlite and pdo in your test machine.


A Sample Coupon System


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