khaledosman / ecs-nodejs-sqs-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


JavaScript Style Guide Conventional Commits Commitizen friendly semantic-release


  • Setup your aws credentials and aws profile using aws configure --profile <aws profile>
  • npm install
  • use yarn start to run in offline mode`
  • yarn deploy:dev to deploy dev environment
  • yarn deploy:live to deploy to live

Environment variables

Environment variables can be setup in .env file


  • Install and setup your aws cli with an aws profile using aws config --profile=<aws profile>
  • use yarn deploy:dev or yarn deploy:live to build and deploy Docker images to amazon ECR and force a new deployment and start a new service running on the ECS cluster with the new docker image. ECS will then take care of drowning the old service to match the configured desired number of running tasks.


This repo uses semantic-release, commitizen, commitlint, husky and conventional commits in order to automate the release proccess


  1. The user needs to have a GH_TOKEN environment variable set with a valid git token that has push access to the repository which can be generated following these steps
  2. the token can be added into a ~/.bash_profile to avoid manually setting it before running the command.
  3. The script should be run from the release branch only (default: master) otherwise it will fail. To change the release branch you can edit the "release" section in the package.json file to temporarily set the release branch as follows
"release": {
  "branch": "feature/integrate-semantic-release"


  • yarn commit will run commitizen cli to generate a conventional style commit message
  • yarn release will do a dry-run of the release without pushing or changing any files
  • yarn release --no-ci will do a real release. We could potentially use this to automate releases when new commits/PRs land in the master branch Details

A release will

  • Bump the version in package.json according to semantic versioning (semver) based on the changes/commit messages (fix/perf = patch, feat = minor, breaking = major)
  • Create a git tag
  • Generate a with the latest changes since the last release
  • Push the changes to the repository & create a git release



Language:JavaScript 93.4%Language:Dockerfile 6.6%