kgrvamsi / assembly

Assembly is a Pythonic Object-Oriented Web Framework built on Flask, that groups your routes by class

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A Pythonic Object-Oriented Web Framework built on Flask

Assembly is a pythonic object-oriented, mid stack, batteries included framework built on Flask, that adds structure to your Flask application, and group your routes by class.

Assembly allows you to build web applications in much the same way you would build any other object-oriented Python program.

Assembly helps you create small to enterprise level applications easily.

Assembly Makes Flask Great Again!

Assembly Version: 1.x.x

Assembly in action


from assembly import (Assembly, response, request, HTTPError)

# Extends to Assembly makes it a route automatically
# By default, Index will be the root url
class Index(Assembly):

    # index is the entry route
    # -> /
    def index(self):
        return "welcome to my site"

    # method name becomes the route
    # -> /hello/
    def hello(self):
        return "I am a string"

    # undescore method name will be dasherize
    # -> /about-us/
    def about_us(self):
        return "I am a string"

# The class name is part of the url prefix
# This will become -> /blog
class Blog(Assembly):
    # index will be the root 
    # -> /blog/
    def index(self):
        return [
                "title": "title 1",
                "content": "content"

    # with params. The order will be respected
    # -> /comments/1234/
    # 1234 will be passed to the id
    def comments(self, id):
        return [

# It's also Restful
class Api(Assembly):

    # method named get, automatically accepts get method
    # -> GET /api/
    def get(self):
        return {
            "message": "This will show on get call"

    # method named post, automatically accepts post method
    # -> POST /api/
    def post(self):
        return {
            "message": "This will show on POST call"

    # Can change the response to json
    # -> /api/about/
    def about(self): 
        return {
            "name": "Assembly",
            "version": "1.0.1"

    # endpoint with different method 
    # -> POST /api/submit/
    def submit(self):
        return {
            "message": "This will show on POST call only"

    # This will throw an Unauthorize error
    def error(self):
        raise HTTPError.Unauthorized()

Decisions made for you + Features

  • Smart routing: automatically generates routes based on the classes and methods in your views

  • Class name as the base url, ie: class UserAccount will be accessed at '/user-account'

  • Class methods (action) could be accessed: hello_world(self) becomes 'hello-world'

  • RESTful API

  • Automatic view rendering

  • Auto route can be edited with @route()

  • Markdown friendly. Inclusion of a markdown file will turn into HTML

  • BCRYPT is chosen as the password hasher

  • Session: Redis, AWS S3, Google Storage, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL

  • Database/ORM: Active-Alchemy (SQLALchemy wrapper)

  • CSRF on all POST

  • Idiomatic HTTP error responses

  • Storage: Local, S3, Google Storage Flask-Cloudy

  • Mailer (SES or SMTP)

  • Arrow for date and time

  • Caching

  • JWT

  • Pagination

  • Signals: to dispatch messages and data to other part of the application

  • Markdown

  • Jinja2 for templating language

  • Multi application

  • Web Assets

  • CLI

  • Inbuilt development server

  • Swagger Documentation


This quickstart will allow us to go with Assembly from 0 to 100!

1. Install Assembly

Install Assembly with pip install assembly

It is highly recommended to use a virtualenv, in this case let's use VirtualenvWrapper (you can use any that is convenient for you)

mkvirtualenv my-first-app

workon my-first-app

pip install assembly

2. Initialize your application

Initialize Assembly with asm-admin init

CD into the folder you intend to create the application, then run asm-admin init. This will setup the structure along with the necessary files to get started

cd app-dir

asm-admin init

Upon initialization you should have a structure similar to this:

-- /
    |- requirements.txt
    |- main
        |- templates
            |- Index
                |- index.html
            |- layouts
                |- base.html
        |- static

    |- __data__/

3. Edit your first view

# main/

from assembly import (Assembly, response)

class Index(Assembly):
    def index(self):
        return {
            "title": "Assembly is awesome",
            "content": "That is a true fact"

    def api(self):
        return {
            "name": "Assembly",
            "version": "x-to-infinity"

4. Edit your template

4.0 Edit base layout

<!-- main/templates/layouts/base.html -->

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>

    <div class="container">
      {% block body %}{% endblock %}

4.1 Edit Index/index.html

<!-- main/templates/Index/index.html -->

{% extends 'main/layouts/base.html' %}

{% block title %}Welcome to my Assembly Site {% endblock %}

{% block body %}
        <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
        {{ content }}
{% endblock %}

5. Serve your first application

If everything is all set, all you need to do now is run your site:

asm-admin serve

It will start serving your application by default at

Two endpoints will be available:

  • which will show an HTML
  • which will a json response

For Swagger Documentation:

  • which will show you the Swagger UI

License MIT

Copyright: 2020 - Forever Mardix


Assembly is a Pythonic Object-Oriented Web Framework built on Flask, that groups your routes by class

License:MIT License


Language:Python 94.9%Language:CSS 4.1%Language:HTML 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.0%