kfish / guest-builder

Tools to build a guest filesystem

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of scripts for building guest filesystems.

build-guest, build a guest filesystem

Usage: build-guest [options] command hostname

  create                      Create a guest filesystem
  start                       Start a virtual machine
  help                        Display this help and exit

General options
  -n, --dry-run               Don't actually run any commands; just print them.

Installation options
  -a ARCH, --arch ARCH        Specify target architecture
  -k KERNEL, --kernel KERNEL  Specify kernel (`uname -r`)
  -d DISTRO, --distro DISTRO  Install DISTRO (default: debian)
                              Specify name of release to install
  -r root, --root root        Specify root device or filename
  -R size, --root-size size   Set the root filesystem size (GB)

Virtualization options
  -c, --console               Create a running instance of the domain, and
                              attach to its console
  --create                    Create a running instance of the domain

Removal options
  -p, --purge                 Purge the filesystems and config for hostname

Miscellaneous options
  -h, --help                  Display this help and exit
  -v, --verbose               Print informative messages
  --version                   Output version information and exit


guest-builder is maintained in git at http://github.com/kfish/guest-builder.git

A list of outstanding tasks is maintained in the TODO file of this source
distribution. When implementing anything listed in this file, please update
it by deleting that entry, and include that as part of the patch or commit
that implements the fix.


For technical and other queries, please contact the author:

Conrad Parker <conrad@metadecks.org>
(kfish on #annodex, #linux-sh on Freenode).


Tools to build a guest filesystem