kfish / async

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lt::async provides a consistent interface for data-parallel operations.

  • async: Runs an action concurrently on each element of a vector of inputs, returning a vector of the outputs in order
  • async_retry: Works with lt::retry to run an action concurrently on each element of a vector of inputs, where each action is retried according to an lt::retry::RetryPolicy.
  • async_preemptible_retry: Works with lt::retry to run an action concurrently on each element of a vector of inputs, where each action is retried according to an lt::retry::PreemptibleRetry.

All operations are defined by a user-supplied task function with type:

    std::function(tl::expected<output_type, error_type>(input_type)>

The parallel operations are provided by lt::async: * input: std::vector<input_type> * output: tl::expected<std::vector<output_type>, error_type>

If any action failed then the whole operation fails.


lt::async::async<input_type, output_type, error_type>

Concurrent, parallel evaluation of async operations. Uses std::async with a launch policy of std::launch::async to ensure concurrent threads are used.

Run an action concurrently on each element of a vector of inputs, returning a vector of the outputs in order. If any action failed then the whole operation failed.

auto input = std::vector<input_type>( ... );
auto tasks = async<input_type, output_type>();
auto f = [&](const input_type& i) {
    // Operate on one element of input i
    if (/* there was an error */) {
        return tl::unexpected(...);
    // and return one element of output o
    return o;
auto output = tasks.map_concurrently(action, input);
if (output) {
    // None of the actions failed, a *output is a std::vector<output_type>
    ... do_something(output);
} else {
    // There was an error, which is stored in output.error().
    ... handle_error(output.error());

lt::async::async_retry<input_type, output_type, error_type>

Works with lt::retry to run an action concurrently on each element of a vector of inputs, where each action is retried independently in its own thread. Each thread maintains its own lt::retry::RetryStatus, and all actions are retried according to the same lt::retry::RetryPolicy.

The entire operation returns a vector of the outputs in order. If any action failed then the whole operation failed. Note that "failure" here means that the action encountered a non-recoverable error condition, such that there is no point retrying.

using std::chrono;
using lt::retry;
auto retry_policy = constantDelay(100ms) + limitRetries(10);

auto input = std::vector<input_type>( ... );
auto tasks = async_retry<input_type, output_type>(retry_policy);

auto f = [&](const input_type& i) {
    // Operate on one element of input i
    if (/* there was a non-recoverable error */) {
        return tl::unexpected(...);
    // and return one element of output o
    return o;

auto should_retry = [&](RetryStatus status, const output_type& o) -> bool {
    // Decide whether the action should be retried. Typically we check if
    // the output is ready to return to the calling function.
    return !o.ready_for_use();
auto output = tasks.map_concurrently_retry(should_retry, action, input);

if (output) {
    // None of the actions failed, a *output is a std::vector<output_type>
    ... do_something(output);
} else {
    // There was an error, which is stored in output.error().
    ... handle_error(output.error());

lt::async::async_preemptible_retry<input_type, output_type, error_type>

Works with lt::retry to run an action concurrently on each element of a vector of inputs, where each action is retried independently in its own thread. Each thread maintains its own lt::retry::PreemptibleRetryStatus, and all actions are retried according to the same lt::retry::PreemptibleRetry.

The entire operation returns a vector of the outputs in order. If any action failed then the whole operation failed. Note that "failure" here means that the action encountered a non-recoverable error condition, such that there is no point retrying.

using std::chrono;
using lt::retry;
auto retry_policy_before = constantDelay(100ms) + limitRetries(100);
auto retry_policy_after = exponentialBackoff(1ms) + limitRetries(10);

auto input = std::vector<input_type>( ... );
auto tasks = async_retry<input_type, output_type>(retry_policy);

std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex cv_mutex;

bool signal_condition = false;

auto signalled = [&signal_condition]() -> bool {
    return signal_condition;

auto f = [&](const input_type& i) {
    // Operate on one element of input i
    if (/* there was a non-recoverable error */) {
        return tl::unexpected(...);

    if (/* we detect that ths signal condition has become true */) {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cv_mutex);
        signal_condition = true;

    // and return one element of output o
    return o;

auto should_retry = [&](RetryStatus status, const output_type& o) -> bool {
    // Decide whether the action should be retried. Typically we check if
    // the output is ready to return to the calling function.
    return !o.ready_for_use();

auto output = tasks.map_concurrently_preemptible_retry(
    cv, cv_mutex, signalled, should_retry, action, input);

if (output) {
    // None of the actions failed, a *output is a std::vector<output_type>
    ... do_something(output);
} else {
    // There was an error, which is stored in output.error().
    ... handle_error(output.error());


License:Boost Software License 1.0


Language:C++ 99.2%Language:CMake 0.8%