kfischer-okarin / dr-input

A simple input control for DragonRuby.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple input control for DragonRuby.

The Multiline input is fast enough to edit Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (~170k character), but War and Peace (~3.3M characters) is over the limits. This limit doesn't appear to be related to the code, as even loading the War and Peace text file takes multiple seconds (M1 Pro Max). I have not explored where the limit is beyond a simple experiment with these two files from Project Gutenberg, but if you need to edit a reasonable sized novel, perhaps a chapter-based approach is better anyway.


Grab the latest single file release input.rb from the Releases page and save it in your DragonRuby game folder (I'm assuming in a lib directory in the sample below).

require 'lib/input.rb'

def tick(args)
  # Create an input
  args.state.input ||= Input::Text.new(x: 100, y: 600, w: 300, focussed: true)

  # Allow the input to process inputs and render text (render_target)

  # Get the value
  args.state.input_value = args.state.input.value

  # Output the input
  args.outputs.primitives << args.state.input

  # Output the value
  args.outputs.debug << { x: 100, y: 100, text: args.state.input_value }.label!

See app/main.rb for a more complex example.

Constructor Arguments


Color arguments can be passed as Hashes or Arrays suffixed with _color, or individual Integer values suffixed with _r, _g, _b, _a. In all cases, if a color element is missing, the corresponding default value will be used.

For example, for the prompt you can pass:

  • A prompt_color as a Hash, like { r: 100, g: 100, b: 100, a: 255 }
  • A prompt_color as an Array, like [100, 100, 100, 255]
  • A prompt_color as an Integer, like 0xFF33BB
  • Individual prompt_r, prompt_g, prompt_b and prompt_a Integer values

The argument list below will list prompt_color but not the individual prompt_* values.


  • x - x location, default 0
  • y - y location, default 0
  • w - width, default 256
  • h - height, default is the height of the font (as measured by calcstringbox) + 2 * the padding
  • value - initial input value (string), default ''
  • padding - padding, default 2
  • font - font path (eg. 'fonts/myfont.ttf'), default ''
  • size_enum - size enumeration (integer), or named size such as :small, :normal, :large, default: :normal (0)
  • size_px - font size in pixels, takes precedence over size_enum if given
  • text_color - text color, default { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }
  • r - text color, red component, default 0, used if text_color is nil
  • g - text color, green component, default 0, used if text_color is nil
  • b - text color, blue component, default 0, used if text_color is nil
  • a - text color, alpha component, default 255, used if text_color is nil
  • prompt - prompt text - ghosted text when the control is empty, default ''
  • prompt_r - prompt color, default { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128, a: 255 }
  • cursor_color - cursor color, default { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }
  • cursor_width - cursor width, default 2
  • background_color - background color, default nil (non-nil default components, { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 })
  • blurred_background_color - background color, default background_color (non-nil default components, { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 })
  • word_chars - characters considered to be parts of a word, default ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a + ['_', '-']
  • punctuation_chars - charcters considered to be punctuation, default %w[! % , . ; : ' " \ ) ] } * &]`
  • selection_start - start of the selection (if any) in characters (Integer), default the length of the initial value
  • selection_end - end of the selection (if any) and the location of the cursor in characters (Integer), default selection_start
  • selection_color - selection color, default { r: 102, g: 178, b: 255, a: 128 }
  • blurred_selection_color - blurred selection color, default { r: 112, g: 128, b: 144, a: 128 }
  • key_repeat_delay - delay before function key combinations (cursor, cut/copy/paste and so on) begin to repeat in ticks (Integer), default 20
  • key_repeat_debounce - number of ticks (Integer) between function key repeat, default 4
  • word_wrap - if the control should wrap (Boolean), default false
  • readonly - initial input read only state (Boolean), default false
  • focussed - initial input focus (Boolean), default false
  • on_clicked - on click callback, receives 2 parameters, the click and the Input control instance, default NOOP
  • on_unhandled_key - on unhandle key pressed callback, receives 2 parameters, the key and the Input control instance, default NOOP. This callback receives keys like [tab] and [enter]
  • max_length - maximum allowed length (Integer), default false which disables length checks
  • fill_from_bottom - fill the text from the bottom, like for a log or game terminal, default false

Attribute accessors

  • value - The current value
  • selection_start - The start of the current selection
  • selection_end - The end of the current selection. This is the cursor location.
  • lines - The value broken into individual lines (readonly, Multiline only)
  • content_w - The width of the full content (value) as rendered (readonly, Text only)
  • content_h - The height of the full content (value) as rendered (readonly, Multiline only)
  • rect - Returns the control's containing rect as a hash (readonly)
  • readonly - Returns or sets the control's read only state
  • scroll_x - The x position of the full scrollable area as rendered
  • scroll_y - The y position of the full scrollable area as rendered. NOTE: scroll_y = 0 is the bottom
  • scroll_w - The width of the full scrollable area as rendered (readonly)
  • scroll_h - The height of the full scrollable area as rendered (readonly)

Instance Methods

  • #insert(text) - Inserts text at the cursor location, or replaces if there's a selection
  • #insert_at(text, start, end = start) - Inserts text at the start location, or replaces if end != start, without changing the selection
  • #replace(text) - Alias for #insert(text)
  • #replace_at(text, start, end = start) - Alias for #insert_at(text, start, end = start)
  • #append(text) - Appends text the end of the value, without changing the selection
  • #current_selection - Returns the currently selected text
  • #current_line - Returns the currently selected line object
  • #current_word - Returns the word currently under the cursor
  • #find(text) - Selects the searched for text if found
  • #find_next - Selects the next instance of the currently selected text
  • #find_prev - Selects the previous instance of the currently selected text
  • #cut - Cut selection to $clipboard
  • #copy - Copy selection to $clipboard
  • #paste - Paste value in $clipboard
  • #move_to_start - Move to the start of the current line
  • #move_word_left - Move the cursor a word to the left
  • #move_char_left - Move the cursor a character to the left
  • #move_word_right - Move the cursor a word to the right
  • #move_char_right - Move the cursor a character to the right
  • #move_line_up - Move the cursor one line up (Multiline only)
  • #move_line_down - Move the cursor one line up (Multiline only)
  • #move_page_up - Move the cursor one page up (Multiline only)
  • #move_page_down - Move the cursor one page up (Multiline only)
  • #select_all - Select all
  • #select_to_start - Select to the start of the text value
  • #select_to_line_start - Select to the start of the current line (Multiline only)
  • #select_word_left - Select a word to the left
  • #select_char_left - Select a character to the left
  • #select_to_end - Select to the end of the text value
  • #select_to_line_end - Select to the end of the current line (Multiline only)
  • #select_word_right - Select a word to the right
  • #select_char_right - Select a character to the right
  • #select_line_up - Select one line up (Multiline only)
  • #select_line_down - Select one line down (Multiline only)
  • #select_page_up - Select one page up (Multiline only)
  • #select_page_down - Select one page down (Multiline only)
  • #focus - Focusses the instance. Note the instance will only receive the focus after it's rendered. This prevents multiple instances from handling the keyboard and mouse events in the same tick.
  • #blur - Removes the focus from the instance. This happens immediately and the instance will not process keyboard and some mouse events after being blurred.
  • #focussed? - Returns true if the input is focussed, false otherwise


  • Adding a background_color significantly improves the rendering of the text.


  • @danhealy for Zif. The Zif Input was the starting point for this. Though you wouldn't be able to tell now, it was a really solid place to start.
  • @leviondiscord (on Discord, aka @leviongithub) for suggesting #delete_prefix when I would have done something much dumber. And also providing other interesting methods I'm likely to use at some point.
  • @DarkGriffin (on Discord) for requesting this control in the first place, and not being shy about the crazy desired feature list (of which, I feel like, I've only touched the surface).
  • @aquillo (on Discord) for asking me (and others) to review his code, where I learnt that the value returned by keyboard.key is the tick_count the key was pressed which made implementing key repeat much simpler than the silly thing I would've done.
  • @cookie (on Discord) for reigniting my interest in building this control by asking about how to use it, finding a new, novel use for it, and pushing me to improve the sample(s).
  • @kfischer_okarin (on Discord, aka @kfischer-okarin) for contributing size_px, and fixing (or forcing me to fix) the tests. This input is used in his product Palantir which you should check out.


A simple input control for DragonRuby.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%