kevlee / home-alive-me

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HAM Guide


HAM or homealiveme is a domotic software create for technical/no-technical users. HAM avoids people to spend hour to configure and add domotic devices in their home.

The MVP only support Zwave connection on Linux serveur.

Furthermore, the software was think to fit to the 7 inch screen size. In other word, you coud complety create workstation for your domotic system.

I will not say you can install it without technical skill because the MVP doesn't integrate auto-installer


Rasberry Pi installation

You can use the raspberry softwar to create an SD card for tour Raspberry Pi

Personnaly, i chose lite image: the Raspberry Pi OS Lite and update it to raspbian buster

You have to connect the raspberrypi to your wifi with the raspbian software :

sudo raspi-config

Basic installation

  • Install git & docker :

      sudo apt-get install -y git docker docker-compose
  • Create application IPs :

      sudo ip addr add dev wlan0
      sudo ip addr add dev wlan0
      sudo ip addr add dev wlan0
  • Set the graphical environnments:

      sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends chromium-browser
      sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg x11-xserver-utils xinit
      sudo apt-get install matchbox-window-manager
      sudo apt-get install lightdm
  • Set auto-login:

      sudo raspi-config
    • Select menu 3 Boot Options
    • Select menu B1 Choose whether to boot into a desktop environment or the command line
    • Select B4 Desktop Autologin Desktop GUI, automatically logged in as 'pi' user

    NB: You can create another user before this step to avoid an auto-login with full access to the Raspberry Pi

  • Edit startup configuration (Always boot the HDMI):

    You have to uncomment the line with thoses variables hdmi_force_hotplug=1 and hdmi_drive=2 in file "/boot/config.txt"

      sudo nano "/boot/config.txt"
  • Get the application sources:

      git clone
  • Launch application:

      cd home-alive-me && docker-compose up -d
      chromium-browser --kiosk

Development GUIDE

Launche a development server

  • Get the application sources:

      git clone
  • Change IP in .env.development files by your computer IP.

  • Launch server:

      cd home-alive-me && npm start server
      cd home-alive-me/API && npm start server

Generate images for rasbian

#in home-alive-me folder
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm/v7 -f .\Dockerfile-rpi -t ham-web-rpi .
#in home-alive-me/API folder
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm/v7 -f .\Dockerfile-rpi -t ham-api-rpi .

Ethernet connection (not tested):

If you use the eth0 interface you could create the application IPs with macvlan (not possible with wlan0 because the wifi prevents to use virtual mac address through the local network)

docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= --ip-range= --aux-address='host=' -o parent=eth0 -o macvlan_mode=bridge vlan
sudo ip link add vlan link eth0 type macvlan mode bridge
sudo ip addr add dev vlan
sudo ifconfig vlan up

You have to change the dockerfile in order to connect docker images to the previous network created



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