kevinmichaelchen / istio-authz-example

Example using Istio service mesh and Envoy's external authorization filter ("authz").

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WIP (work in progress)


Example using Istio and Envoy's authz (external authorization) filter.

Inspired by:

The use case is as follows: You've got your kubernetes (k8s) cluster. You want to route traffic into the cluster. But before traffic gets routed to upstream (deeply internal) services, it should get "checked" by a service to see if the bearer token in the Authorization header checks out.

Getting started


This README uses aliases from the oh-my-zsh kubectl plugin.

Build Docker Image

Let's build our app.

docker build --force-rm --no-cache \
  -t kevinmichaelchen/istio-authz-example:0.0.1 \

Create a custom namespace

kaf ./helm/istio/namespace.yaml

Install Istio

istioctl install --set profile=demo \
  --set values.prometheus.enabled=true \
  --set values.telemetry.v1.enabled=true \
  --set values.telemetry.v2.enabled=false \
  --set values.pilot.policy.enabled=true \
  --set components.policy.enabled=true \
  --set components.telemetry.enabled=true  \
  --set meshConfig.disablePolicyChecks=false \
  --set meshConfig.disableMixerHttpReports=false

Enabling VirtualService delegation

We need to tell Istio to allow VirtualServices to use delegation with the PILOT_ENABLE_VIRTUAL_SERVICE_DELEGATE env var. You can edit the istiod deployment directly.

KUBE_EDITOR=vim k edit deployment istiod -n istio-system

Paste in

          value: "true"

View all env vars with

kgd istiod -n istio-system -o json | jq '.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env'

Installing our backend

For microk8s clusters:

helm install api -n authz-ns --set image.repository=localhost:32000/kevinmichaelchen/istio-authz-example ./helm/api


helm install api -n authz-ns ./helm/api

Installing Istio resources

kaf ./helm/istio/namespace.yaml
kaf ./helm/istio/gateway.yaml
kaf ./helm/istio/virtualservice.yaml
kaf ./helm/istio/envoyfilter.yaml

kdelf ./helm/istio/gateway.yaml
kdelf ./helm/istio/virtualservice.yaml
kdelf ./helm/istio/envoyfilter.yaml

# List our Istio resources
k get gateway,virtualservice -A

export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].port}')

curl "http://$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT/insecure" -i
curl "http://$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT/insecure" -i -H "Authorization: Bearer kevin"


Visualize traffic with Kiali.

istioctl dashboard kiali

The default credentials are admin:admin.

Checking logs

Check logs with

kl -n authz-ns -l -c api
kl -n authz-ns -l --all-containers=true

Helm cheatsheet

List Helm releases

helm list -n authz-ns

Uninstall Helm charts

helm uninstall <release_name> -n authz-ns


Example using Istio service mesh and Envoy's external authorization filter ("authz").


Language:Go 78.8%Language:Smarty 8.9%Language:Makefile 8.9%Language:Dockerfile 3.4%