kevinlondon / r360-py

R360° Library for Python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

r360-py - Python Library for the Route360° API


Get your API key here .


the r360-py library uses python3

make sure this is installed on your system

use virtualenv for a clean, global-free install

virtualenv is great. We can use it to sandbox versions and keep installs contained, so we can avoid global version conflicts.

Install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

Create python3 virtualenv named 'venv'

virtualenv -p python3 venv

Activate virtualenv

source venv/bin/activate

do this every time to enter into virtualenv called '(venv)' <= as shown in terminal prompt

Install r360-py

pip install r360_py

this installs r360_py and dependencies in our virtualenv

Test the install python -m r360_py.cli -h this shows the cli usage and help

When you are done using the virtualenv, shut it down


prompt drops '(venv)' tag, virtualenv is no longer active


usage: python -m r360_py.cli [-h] [--time TIME] [--date DATE]
                             [--polygonSerializer POLYGONSERIALIZER]
                             [--buffer BUFFER] [--minHoleSize MINHOLESIZE]
                             [--simplify SIMPLIFY] [--srid SRID]
                             [--quadrantSegments QUADRANTSEGMENTS]
                             [--frameDuration FRAMEDURATION]
                             [--reverse REVERSE] [--bikeSpeed BIKESPEED]
                             [--bikeUphill BIKEUPHILL]
                             [--bikeDownhill BIKEDOWNHILL]
                             [--walkSpeed WALKSPEED] [--walkUphill WALKUPHILL]
                             [--walkDownhill WALKDOWNHILL] --travelTimes
                             TRAVELTIMES [TRAVELTIMES ...] --serviceUrl
                             SERVICEURL --serviceKey SERVICEKEY --travelType
                             TRAVELTYPE --source SOURCE --outputDir OUTPUTDIR
                             --outputFilename OUTPUTFILENAME

Query the Route360 Polygon service using python

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --time TIME           The time in seconds of the day: 1.30 p.m. = 13 * 3600
                          + 30 * 60 = 48600 (transit only) (default: 43200)
    --date DATE           The date in the format YYYYMMDD, e.g.: 20160727 for
                          the 27th of July 2016 (transit only) (default:
    --polygonSerializer POLYGONSERIALIZER
                          The serializer for the polygons: json or geojson
                          (default: geojson)
    --buffer BUFFER       The buffer (in srid units) that should be generated
                          around the polygons. (default: None)
    --minHoleSize MINHOLESIZE
                          The area threshold of a hole inside a polygon (in
                          meters squared). (default: None)
    --simplify SIMPLIFY   The threshold (in meter) that should be used for
                          Douglas-Puecker (before buffering, max 500m).
                          (default: None)
    --srid SRID           The target SRID (Spatial Reference System Identifier),
                          all that are supported via PostGIS. (default: None)
    --quadrantSegments QUADRANTSEGMENTS
                          The number of quadrant segements (max 8), see:
    --frameDuration FRAMEDURATION
                          The window (in seconds) during which connections are
                          identified. (default: None)
    --reverse REVERSE     Whether or not to measure from sources (default) or
                          towards sources. (default: None)
    --bikeSpeed BIKESPEED
                          Bike speed km/h (travelType 'bike' only). (default:
    --bikeUphill BIKEUPHILL
                          Penalty applied to uphill bike travel. (default: None)
    --bikeDownhill BIKEDOWNHILL
                          Penalty applied to downhill bike travel. (default:
    --walkSpeed WALKSPEED
                          Walk speed km/h (travelType 'walk' only). (default:
    --walkUphill WALKUPHILL
                          Penalty applied to uphill walk travel. (default: None)
    --walkDownhill WALKDOWNHILL
                          Penalty applied to downhill bike travel. (default:

required named arguments:
    --travelTimes TRAVELTIMES [TRAVELTIMES ...]
                          The travel time in seconds as a list of integers.
                          (default: None)
    --serviceUrl SERVICEURL
                          The URL of the Route360° API endpoint. (default: None)
    --serviceKey SERVICEKEY
                          Your personal key for the API. (default: None)
    --travelType TRAVELTYPE
                          The travel type for the request: car, walk, bike or
                          transit (default: None)
    --source SOURCE       The source as doubles (lat,lng) separated by ';'.
                          (default: None)
    --outputDir OUTPUTDIR
                          The path where to write the output files (default:
    --outputFilename OUTPUTFILENAME
                          The the name of the file to write to (default: None)


not all capabilities are available for all plan levels. Refer to the different plans to see the specifics.


python -m r360_py.cli --travelType walk \
               --travelTimes 1800 \
               --source="52.52;13.405" \
               --outputDir=data/ \
               --outputFilename=test.geojson \
               --serviceKey='Your key here' \
               --serviceUrl= \
               --srid=4326 \


Using unittest and nose, api assumes py 3.x

  • rename tests/ to tests/, add appripriate API key
  • run nosetests -v


R360° Library for Python

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%