kevinisaac / Macaw

Sexy PHP router.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Macaw is a simple PHP router. It's super small (~150 LOC), fast, and sexy.


If you have Composer, just include Macaw as a project dependency in your composer.json. If you don't just install it by downloading the .ZIP file and extracting it to your project directory.

    require: {
        "codingbean/macaw": "dev-master"


First, use the Macaw namespace:

use \CodingBean\Macaw\Macaw;

Macaw is not an object, so you can just make direct operations to the class. Here's the Hello World:

Macaw::get('/', function() {
  echo 'Hello world!';


Macaw also supports lambda URIs, such as:

Macaw::get('/(:any)', function($slug) {
  echo 'The slug is: ' . $slug;


You can also make requests for HTTP methods in Macaw, so you could also do:

Macaw::get('/', function() {
  echo 'I <3 GET commands!';

Macaw::post('/', function() {
  echo 'I <3 POST commands!';


Lastly, if there is no route defined for a certain location, you can make Macaw run a custom callback, like:

Macaw::error(function() {
  echo '404 :: Not Found';

If you don't specify an error callback, Macaw will just echo 404.

In order to let the server know the URI does not point to a real file, you need to use the included .htaccess file.


Sexy PHP router.

License:MIT License