kevingstewart / next-sslo-api-reference

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F5 BIG-IP Next SSL Orchestrator API Examples

This project is an unofficial compendium of API examples for creating and managing BIG-IP Next SSL Orchestrator objects. Please always refer to the official F5 Next API pages for official API reference. SSL Orchestrator objects are under the Security section.

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the ease and usefulness of automated SSL Orchestrator configuration on BIG-IP Next. The SSL Orchestrator object space in BIG-IP Next can essentially be broken down into the following categories. Separate sections and pages are provided for each type of object.

  • Inspection Services: represent the security "inspection" products that will receive decrypted, service chained traffic from the SSL Orchestrator. These can generally be categorized as:

    • TAP inspection services
    • ICAP inspection services
    • Inline Layer 3 inspection services
    • HTTP Transparent Proxy inspection services
    • HTTP Explicit Proxy inspection services
  • Service Chains: a logical grouping of inspection services in a defined order through which SSL Orchestrator processes traffic.

  • Security Policies: a set of rules that match traffic patterns and perform actions, including allowing or blocking traffic, decrypting or bypassing decryption, and sending flows to service chains.

  • Applications: not specifically an SSL Orchestrator object, the security policy is applied to different types of application flows.

This project contains three automation "modes" for SSL Orchestrator objects to suit different environmental preferences:

  • Native BIG-IP Next Central Manager "CM" API for the SSL Orchestrator objects, plus Application Services 3 "AS3" API for the application stacks.
  • Curl command line utilizing the CM and AS3 APIs
  • Ansible playbooks utilizing the CM and AS3 APIs

Before creating any objects through the CM, you first need to authenticate and fetch a token that will be used in subsequent API calls. The basic API for this looks like the following:


POST {{CM}}/api/login
  "username": "{{CMUSER}}",
  "password": "{{CMPASS}}"

where {{CM}} is the IP or hostname of the Central Manager instance, and {{CMUSER}} and {{CMPASS}} are valid user:password credentials on the CM. This will return an "access_token" value in the successful JSON response that you'll use in other API calls as the Authorization: Bearer token. To do the same with command line Curl, the below will populate the TOKEN variable with your Bearer token.


export CM=
export CMUSER=admin
export CMPASS='mypassword'

LOGON=$(cat <<EOF
  "username": "${CMUSER}",
  "password": "${CMPASS}"
TOKEN=$(curl -sk "https://${CM}/api/login" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "${LOGON}" | jq -r '.access_token')
echo $TOKEN

And finally, to do the same with raw Ansible:


- hosts: all
  connection: local

    - name: Check if BIG-IP Next Central Manager instance is available (HTTPS responding 405 on /api/login)
        url: https://{{ BIGIP_NEXT_CM }}/api/login
        method: GET
        status_code: 405
        validate_certs: false
      until: json_response.status == 405
      retries: 50
      delay: 30
      register: json_response

    - name: Authenticate to BIG-IP Next CM API
        url: https://{{ BIGIP_NEXT_CM }}/api/login
        method: POST
          Content-Type: application/json
        body: |
              "username": "{{ BIGIP_NEXT_CMUSER }}",
              "password": "{{ BIGIP_NEXT_CMPASS }}"
        body_format: json
        timeout: 60
        status_code: 200
        validate_certs: false
      register: bigip_next_cm_token
      retries: 30
      delay: 30

    - name: Set the BIG-IP Next CM token
        bearer_token: "{{ bigip_next_cm_token.json.access_token }}"

    - debug:
        var: bearer_token
export BIGIP_NEXT_CMUSER=admin
export BIGIP_NEXT_CMPASS='mypassword'
ansible-playbook -i notahost, next-cm-auth.yaml --extra-vars "BIGIP_NEXT_CM=${BIGIP_NEXT_CM} BIGIP_NEXT_CMUSER=${BIGIP_NEXT_CMUSER} BIGIP_NEXT_CMPASS=${BIGIP_NEXT_CMPASS}"


License:Apache License 2.0