kevindelord / picturemyworld-server

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Framework: Node.js

How to initialize and start the server

One script to rule them all!

usage: [-h] -e ENV [-i] [-d] [-c] [-r] [-t]

Initialize the NodeJS server for PictureMyWorld

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -e ENV, --env ENV  Configure the deployment environment.
  -i, --install      Install all node dependencies.
  -d, --delete       Delete the database for the given deployment environment.
  -c, --create       Create a new database for the given deployment
  -r, --run          Run the server.
  -t, --test         Run the Unit-Tests.

On first install execute:

./ --env development --install --create

To delete the corresponding database execute:

./ --env development --delete

And finally to run the NodeJs server, execute:

./ --env development --run

Obviously you can use all arguments at once :]

Unit Tests

To setup (and reset) the test environment:

./ --env development --install --delete --create

Add the --test argument to run the tests.


Open Postgres in terminal:

psql -U postgres

Connect to database:

\c picturemyworld;

To list all databases:


To list all tables:


List of dependencies

Name Version Summary
bcryptjs 2.4.3 To encrypt/decrypt the user password
body-parser 1.17.2 Parse incoming request bodies
pg 7.0.2 To interact with PostgreSQL
connect-pg-simple 4.2.0 To easy connect to PostgreSQL
express 4.15.3 Minimalist web framework
express-handlebars 3.0.0 View engine for Express
express-session 1.15.3 Session middleware
passport 0.3.2 For the login authentification
passport-local 1.0.0 Local username and password authentication strategy for Passport
sanitizer 0.1.3 To sanitize user input
multer 1.3.0 Middleware for handling multipart/form-data
config 1.26.1 Configurations for app deployments

To check and update dependencies

Run ncu to check the outdated dependencies:

$> ncu

 pg  ^6.2.3  →  ^7.0.2

Run ncu with -u to upgrade package.json

ncu -u

External links:



Language:JavaScript 86.4%Language:Python 11.9%Language:HTML 1.7%