kevin-thankyou-lin / dcargs

Zero effort CLI interfaces & config objects, with dataclasses + argparse

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dcargs is a library for defining argument parsers and configuration objects using standard Python dataclasses.

pip install dcargs

Compared to other options, using dataclasses for configuration is:

  • Strongly typed. Unlike dynamic configuration namespaces produced by libraries like argparse, YACS, abseil, or ml_collections, this means that IDE-assisted autocomplete, rename, refactor, go-to-definition operations work out-of-the-box, as do static checking tools like mypy and pyright.
  • Modular. Most approaches to configuration objects require a centralized definition of all configurable fields. Hierarchically nesting dataclasses, however, makes it easy to distribute definitions, defaults, and documentation of configurable fields across modules or source files. A model configuration dataclass, for example, can be co-located in its entirety with the model implementation and dropped into any experiment configuration with an import — this eliminates redundancy and makes the entire module easy to port across codebases.
  • Noninvasive. Dataclasses themselves are part of the standard Python library; defining them requires no external dependencies and they can be easily instantiated without dcargs (for example, within quick experiments in Jupyter notebooks).
  • Low effort. Type annotations, docstrings, and default values for dataclass fields can be used to automatically generate argument parsers with informative helptext.

Core interface

Our core interface is composed of a single function, which instantiates a dataclass from an automatically generated CLI interface:

dcargs.parse(cls: Type[T], *, description: Optional[str], args: Optional[Sequence[str]], default_instance: Optional[T]) -> T
Generate a CLI containing fields for a dataclass, and use it to create an
instance of the class. Gracefully handles nested dataclasses, container types,
generics, optional and default arguments, enums, and more.

    cls: Dataclass type to instantiate.

Keyword Args:
    description: Description text for the parser, displayed when the --help flag is
        passed in. If not specified, the dataclass docstring is used. Mirrors argument
        from `argparse.ArgumentParser()`.
    args: If set, parse arguments from a sequence of strings instead of the
        commandline. Mirrors argument from `argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args()`.
    default_instance: An instance of `T` to use for default values. Helpful for overriding fields
        in an existing instance; if not specified, the field defaults are used instead.

    Instantiated dataclass.

Example usage

If you're familiar with dataclasses, writing a script with dcargs.parse() is simple!

# examples/
import dataclasses

import dcargs

class Args:
    field1: str  # A string field.
    field2: int  # A numeric field.
    flag: bool = False # A boolean flag.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = dcargs.parse(Args)

We can run this to get:

$ python --help
usage: [-h] --field1 STR --field2 INT [--flag]

required arguments:
  --field1 STR  A string field.
  --field2 INT  A numeric field.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --flag        A boolean flag.
$ python --field1 string --field2 4
Args(field1='string', field2=4, flag=False)

Note that we also support significantly more complex structures and annotations, including nested dataclasses, container types, generics, optional and default arguments, enums, and more. Examples of additional features can be found in the examples and unit tests; a feature list is also included below.


As a secondary feature, we also introduce two functions for human-readable dataclass serialization:

  • dcargs.from_yaml(cls: Type[T], stream: Union[str, IO[str], bytes, IO[bytes]]) -> T and dcargs.to_yaml(instance: T) -> str convert between YAML-style strings and dataclass instances.

The functions attempt to strike a balance between flexibility and robustness — in contrast to naively dumping or loading dataclass instances (via pickle, PyYAML, etc), explicit type references enable custom tags that are robust against code reorganization and refactor, while a PyYAML backend enables serialization of arbitrary Python objects.

Particularly for cases where serialized dataclasses need to exit the Python ecosystem, dacite is also a good option (at the cost of a little bit of flexibility).

Feature list

The parse function supports a wide range of dataclass definitions, while automatically generating helptext from comments/docstrings. A selection of features are shown in the examples.

Our unit tests cover many more complex type annotations, including classes containing:

  • Types natively accepted by argparse: str, int, float, pathlib.Path, etc
  • Default values for optional parameters
  • Booleans, which are automatically converted to flags when provided a default value (eg action="store_true" or action="store_false"; in the latter case, we prefix names with no-)
  • Enums (via enum.Enum; argparse's choices is populated and arguments are converted automatically)
  • Various container types. Some examples:
    • typing.ClassVar types (omitted from parser)
    • typing.Optional types
    • typing.Literal types (populates argparse's choices)
    • typing.Sequence types (populates argparse's nargs)
    • typing.List types (populates argparse's nargs)
    • typing.Tuple types, such as typing.Tuple[T1, T2, T3] or typing.Tuple[T, ...] (populates argparse's nargs, and converts automatically)
    • typing.Set types (populates argparse's nargs, and converts automatically)
    • typing.Final types and typing.Annotated (for parsing, these are effectively no-ops)
    • Nested combinations of the above: Optional[Literal[T]], Final[Optional[Sequence[T]]], etc
  • Nested dataclasses
  • Generic dataclasses (including nested generics, see ./examples/

Some other design decisions that we've put effort into:

  • Strong typing: we actively avoid relying on strings or dynamic namespace objects (eg argparse.Namespace).
  • Simplicity + strict abstractions: we're focused on a single function API, and don't leak any argparse implementation details to the user level. We also intentionally don't offer any way to add argument parsing-specific logic to dataclass definitions. (in contrast, some of the libaries above rely heavily on dataclass field metadata, or on the more extreme end inheritance+decorators to make parsing-specific dataclasses)
  • Hyphens over underscores. For example, field names with underscores (argument_name) are parsed with hyphens (--argument-name). (why?)

Alternative tools

The core functionality of dcargs --- generating an argument parser from type annotations --- can be found as a subset of the features offered by many other libraries. A summary of some distinguishing features:

Choices from literals Generics Docstrings as helptext Nesting Subparsers Containers
simple-parsing soon

Note that most of these other libraries offer other features that you might find useful, such as attrs support (datargs, clout), registration for custom types (pyrallis), different approaches for serialization and config files (tap, pyrallis), simultaneous parsing of multiple dataclasses (simple-parsing), etc.


Zero effort CLI interfaces & config objects, with dataclasses + argparse

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%