kevin-coelho / audioshake-project

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Audioshake REST Project

Demo Loom

Setup Requiurements

  • MacOS Big Sur or later
  • Latest version of docker and docker-compose installed on system

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Build the project docker-compose build
  3. Create an env file in the project root: .env.docker.development (see sample.env)
  4. Start the database docker-compose up -d postgres
  5. Migrate the database docker-compose run migrate
  6. Start the API docker-compose up api

View API Documentation

  1. Ensure the api is running
  2. Visit localhost:4001/docs

Run Tests

  1. Build the project docker-compose build
  2. Create an env file in the project root .env.docker.test (see sample.env)
  3. Start the test database docker-compose up -d postgres-test
  4. Migrate the test database docker-compose run migrate-test
  5. Run tests docker-compose run test
  6. Run integration tests docker-compose run integration

Changes from the requirements

  • Instead of using plural names, I used singular namings in REST endpoints to reflect database-naming best practices. Database tables also use singular namings.
  • The sort paramater was renamed to earliestFirst and latestFirst options to reflect a more client-friendly and user-friendly naming. asc and desc is not always clear when working with date types.
  • Some models have additional fields to make them more extensible (such as createdAt and updatedAt fields)

Project Structure

  • Dockerfile in the project root. For deployment on infra, simply build the project and run. It is possible to run the entire project on a single machine using docker-compose. For real production environments, separate db and docker image in an image registry is recommended (such as ECR).
  • Project is structured as a node.js/typescript mono-repo. apps/server represents a single "app" or "service", in this case a REST API. The project is structured this way to allow more apps to be added such as a React UI / client, or different back-end microservices


  • Postgres database
  • Express / Typescript / Objection.js / knex.js / AWS SDK
  • Test framework with: mocha, sinon, chai
  • API documentation with swagger (autogenerated from source code and .swagger.yaml files). Inline swagger documentation with jsdoc is also supported /** @openapi ... start docs here */
  • File upload is handled using node streams via busboy and aws sdk. Dev build handled 20-50MB files with no problems.
  • Assets and posts are assigned unique ids by the back end. For assets, the id is a UUID v5 hash of the asset's bucket, key, and a unique uuidv4. This is to ensure that the system can support assets with identical filenames
  • Posts are all assigned unique uuidv4 from the back end. Identical posts are supported.
  • API endpoints all have param / query / request validation using joi and celebrate libs.

Code Style

  • enforced with eslint and prettier
  • Lint and format can be done with docker: docker-compose run lint, docker-compose run format


  • Inside server/src, different modules are organized as importable "packages". This is for code cleanliness, separation of concerns, and also to make good utilization of TypeDI injection / containerization.
  • Teams with expertise in different systems (such as s3 or postgres) can each work on modules separately and expose common functionality externally
  • Migration to workspaces (such as with npm or pnpm) is easier with this type of organization (simply add a package.json to each package's folder)

Environment Variables

  • See packages/config. Environment variables are loaded using dotenv and validated using joi. This ensures that app startup does not have bugs with bad or missing environment variables (config errors will block startup)
  • In docker setup, some vars are provided by docker-compose.yaml and others are provided with environment files. In a production setup, all env vars should be provided by the shell environment to the running docker image.



Language:TypeScript 98.4%Language:Dockerfile 1.6%