kevchu3 / openshift-gitea

Gitea Deployment on OpenShift

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gitea Deployment on OpenShift

The following documentation is based off of instructions for a Gitea installation on Kubernetes and adapted for Red Hat OpenShift.


Install Helm chart:

$ oc create ns gitea
$ oc config set-context --current --namespace=gitea
$ helm repo add gitea-charts
$ helm install gitea gitea-charts/gitea -f values.yaml
$ helm repo list
$ helm list

# Customizations on Gitea Helm chart gitea-10.1.3
$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user nonroot-v2 -z gitea-postgresql

Update the Postgresql StatefulSet to address this issue: bitnami/charts#22511

$ oc edit statefulset gitea-postgresql

spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.seLinuxOptions: null

Apply custom Gitea configurations:

$ oc edit secret gitea-inline-config -n gitea
### or ###
$ oc apply -f gitea/gitea-inline-config.secret.yaml

Create a route via either method:

$ oc create route passthrough gitea-http \
  --service gitea-http --insecure-policy='Redirect' --port='http'
### or ###
$ oc apply -f gitea-http.route.yaml

Gitea’s deployments run as a known user and PodSecurityStandards should be set to baseline for the pods to run.

$ oc label --overwrite ns gitea
$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n gitea

Upload certificate to data directory in pod (backed by persistent volume):

$ oc rsh gitea-7cc448d79f-72s5p
Defaulted container "gitea" out of: gitea, init-directories (init), init-app-ini (init), configure-gitea (init)
# cd /data/gitea/certs/
# vi cert.pem
# vi key.pem
# chmod 664 cert.pem
# chmod 660 key.pem
# chown git:git cert.pem
# chown git:git key.pem

Configure certificates and enable Gitea Actions in gitea-inline-config Secret, and restart pod:

Configure Gitea in gitea.server.config, convert to base64, edit gitea-inline-config Secret, and restart pod. Also, view app.ini to confirm configuration:

$ oc apply -f gitea/gitea-inline-config.secret.yaml
$ oc delete pod gitea-7cc448d79f-72s5p
$ oc rsh gitea-7cc448d79f-4g27b
/ # cat /data/gitea/conf/app.ini

Create Gitea admin user:

$ oc rsh gitea-7cc448d79f-4g27b
Defaulted container "gitea" out of: gitea, init-directories (init), init-app-ini (init), configure-gitea (init)
# gitea admin user create --admin --username <username> --password <password> --email <email>

Optionally, update Gitea Helm chart:

helm repo update gitea-charts
helm upgrade gitea gitea-charts/gitea -f values.yaml
helm list

Further Reading

The instructions in this Git repository were used in this published Red Hat Blog to stand up Gitea on MicroShift


Gitea Deployment on OpenShift

License:GNU General Public License v3.0