kevchu3 / custom-metrics-autoscaler-demo

Demo of Red Hat Custom Metrics Autoscaler operator

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Demo of Red Hat Custom Metrics Autoscaler Operator

Disclaimer: This repository is maintained by the author and is in no way official supported instructions from Red Hat.

Red Hat Custom Metrics Autoscaler is based on the upstream open source Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling project. This demo steps the user through installing and configuring Custom Metrics Autoscaler operator and provides an example application to show scaling in action.


  • An OpenShift 4 cluster updated to a current release which provides the Custom Metrics Autoscaler operator available in OperatorHub
  • Logged in as a user account with cluster-admin role

1. Deploy demo application

From the Developer perspective, create a new Project. In our demo, we'll create a project named my-project. From +Add on the left, navigate to Developer Catalog -> All services -> Apache HTTP Server (Templates) -> Instantiate Template. You can use all the default values and press Create.

2. Install operator

From the Administrator perspective -> OperatorHub, install the Custom Metrics Autoscaler operator in the recommended openshift-keda namespace

Create a KedaController instance. Default configuration values are fine.

3. Configure application for scaling

Create a serviceaccount named thanos, add the cluster-monitoring-view clusterrole with project scope, and determine its token secret:

$ oc project my-project
$ oc create sa thanos
$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view -z thanos
$ oc describe sa thanos
Name:                thanos
Namespace:           my-project
Labels:              <none>
Annotations:         <none>
Image pull secrets:  thanos-dockercfg-rm6fj
Mountable secrets:   thanos-dockercfg-rm6fj
Tokens:              thanos-token-tbj5s     ### <--- use this token
Events:              <none>

Create a project scoped TriggerAuthentication using the definition provided and replacing the token secret with your own. You can alternately use a cluster scoped ClusterTriggerAuthentication (not covered in this demo).

$ oc apply -f resources/triggerauthentication.yaml

Create a ScaledObject using the definition provided. Note that the trigger in this definition is configured with the Prometheus scaler. See the upstream Keda docs for a complete list of scalers. Also, the Prometheus trigger uses the bearer token for authentication and references the TriggerAuthentication we just created.

$ oc apply -f resources/scaledobject.yaml

4. Scaling our application

Now let's generate some application load. Open another terminal and run the following, substituting the route name with your own:

$ oc get route -n my-project
$ while true; do curl -I http://httpd-example-my-project.apps.<your-cluster-name>; done

The Prometheus query that was used is sum(rate(haproxy_backend_connections_total{route="httpd-example"}[2m])),

Let's observe the application scaling real time. From the Administrator perspective -> Observe -> Metrics, use sum(rate(haproxy_backend_connections_total{route="httpd-example"}[2m])) as the expression and press Run queries. This was the query provided in the ScaledObject and represents the number of concurrent haproxy backend connections for the httpd-example route, averaged over the past 2 minutes. For those stepping through this demo and using OpenShift's built-in monitoring stack, this is a perfect place to try various Prometheus queries and determine relevant metrics for your own application.

The threshold of this query is set to '5' in the demo. In other words, based on the number of concurrent haproxy backend connections over the past 2 minutes, it will spin up another pod replica for every count of 5. From the top right, change the refresh to every 15 seconds and observe the value over time.

From your terminal, watch the application pod replicas:

$ watch oc get pods -n my-project

Note that underneath the Custom Metrics Autoscaler is a HorizontalPodAutoscaler definition:

$ oc get hpa -n my-project

Finally, you can also view the events to determine the resources in this demo were set up properly and scaling is actively taking place.

$ oc get events -n my-project




Kevin Chung


Demo of Red Hat Custom Metrics Autoscaler operator

License:GNU General Public License v3.0