kernjackson / appointment-reminders-rails

A working Appointment Reminders sample built in Ruby on Rails

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Appointment Reminders

godfather appointment

Use Twilio to create automatic appointment reminders for your businesses users.

Read the full tutorial here!

Running the application

Clone this repository and cd into the directory then.

$ bundle install
$ rake db:create db:migrate
$ export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=your account sid
$ export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=your auth token
$ export TWILIO_NUMBER=+16515559999
$ rake test
$ rails server

Then visit the application at http://localhost:3000/

Deploy to Heroku

Hit the button!



This application relies heavily on these awesome third-party gems:

  • twilio-ruby
  • delayed_job
  • twitter-bootstrap-rails

Please visit these libraries and pay your respects.


A working Appointment Reminders sample built in Ruby on Rails


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